Fiesta Friday # 32
(This is a scheduled post. I will get back to everyone whenever I am available.)
I will ask you something –
Do you believe that stars and constellation can be seen with your naked eyes?
So, you think people who will say that are crazy??
Or not??
Here’s the thing – [I think] about 6 years ago, I was in a plane… it was night – or middle of the night – I haven’t checked the time. Anyway, I was asleep and traveling alone. When I woke up, I opened the window and I ‘saw’ stars like what you see in movies, as well as constellation. I can’t figure out the names as I forgot all their names. Excitedly, I told the story to one of my closest friends and she was like ‘??’. Later on, she told me that maybe I was just dreaming. I insisted that I was not. I had the chance to travel with her more than a year ago and confidently told her ‘Maybe I could see the stars again!’ I can’t remember what was her reaction. It was more than five hours trip and I chose the time of flight – night time. I tell you, I barely closed my eyes [to sleep] just to wait for the stars to appear. I was upset that I did not see even one. I told the same story to my co-worker who has been close to me for almost a year. She told me, I was just dreaming. I insisted the same thing – NO! I WAS NOT DREAMING.
The sure thing I could remember that happened? I was sitting and I woke up; opened the window and saw stars like this. And I was like ‘Whoaaaa’. And I can’t remember what I did next.
After two persons told me that I was just dreaming, what do you think? Was that a dream? Or was that real? Ugh! I couldn’t even figure it out. 😐
…or am I crazy?
Uh, please tell me not. 😀
Anyyywaaayy, it’s Fiesta Friday and it’s okay to be crazy today. It’s fun to have a crazy buddy, right? 😛
Hey, I brought something today… Please be good to me. 😀 errr, not from me… but, from Linda and Martina. 😉 They are the first two who have submitted their guest post.
For those who have missed them, please check them out –
GRATIN DAUPHINOIS by Linda @ La Petite Paniere
BASIL GNOCCHI by Martina @ Make, Shake and Bake
I know, they are amazing! But you can say that again. 😀
And I know I owe you a reply back. Please bear with me as thenotsocreativecook is trying her best to get back to the normal ‘program’ and posting of ‘series’. I promise I will be back. <3
I hope you enjoy these!
Thank you to the ever kind, Angie, and to our co-hosts.
Happy FF#32!
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Enjoy the weekend and enjoy the party!!
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You know what you saw and I think it is special 🙂 Great recipes from Linda and Martina!
Thank you, Aunt Juju. I am so glad to come back with your comment waiting for me to answer. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week. <3
Chitra Jagadish
both the dishes from Linda and /martina sounds divine…your star constellation experience seems electrifying… i beleive in that and its soo exciting….. 🙂 🙂
Chitra!! I missed you! I am glad to find a comment from you. And thank for believing in me. Some people don’t, but I don’t blame them. 🙂
In the country we see lot of stars. Also, when you are relaxed, I think you can see all kinds of things that normally you wouldn’t. I think that is why children have an imagination that we let go of as adults. I have never made gnocchi. I want to try.
I also believe that kids have imagination that adults don’t believe.
Thank you for dropping a comment while I was away, Julie. I hope to talk to you again. Enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂
Michelle @ Giraffes Can Bake
Definitely possible you saw the stars like that, it’s amazing what you can see in the night sky when it’s clear and there’s no light pollution! When I was in Australia we took a 3 day boat trip out on the great barrier reef, and at night we would just lay on the deck and watch the stars, we were int he middle of the ocean so there was no light pollution and we saw the stars just like that photo. We saw at least 15 shooting stars a night too. The sea was like a pond too, the instructors on the trip said they’d never seen the sea like that. It was a pretty amazing 3 days, not seen the stars like that since. Next time I’m flying the red eye home from the US, I will definitely check for stars!
I am going to check out your guest posts now, can’t wait for you to return though!
Ooohhh! Shooting stars! I also witnessed a shooting star once.
Lying down and watching the stars – that must feel really amazing, Michelle.
And thanks for checking out the guest post. I can’t wait to be back and chat with everyone. I missed the crowd. <3
You and your friends must live in the city. If you get to any dark area on the planet, like where we live, you can see the Milky Way on a regular basis. People visit our area to come and see the stars – we have a spectacular sky when it’s clear, and our town owns a special telescope you can borrow from the library to see even better. On the down side, on a cloudy night it’s pitch dark and you need a flashlight to get to the garage. Lovely post and guest posts. Hope you get to see the stars again soon.
Wooow! If I live near your place, I don’t mind coming back on a regular basis just to see the stars. I love looking at the stars – it calms me and stars bring me so much joy. 🙂
Thanks a lot, Hilda!! I hope you have an amazing day! <3
Happy Fiesta Friday Jhuls 🙂 Continue to believe in your stars, we really miss you 🙂 xx
I missed you, too, and the FF crowd, Linda! I hope to be back soon. 🙂
I’m with you Jhuls…you weren’t dreaming…you indeed saw the stars!
Delicious guest posts you’ve offered today…yummy. Miss you, but please know we’ll all be here when you’re ready to return. 😀
Hi, Nancy! I heard from the gossip that you are back. So glad to hear that. 😉 I wanted to prepare something as a ‘welcome back’ post, but there’s nothing much in the province. Hopefully, when I leave province. 🙂
I am so glad to find you here. Thanks a lot! <3
Sarah 'n Spice
Those dishes look amazing! I think you saw the stars 🙂
Thank you, Sarah! <3 The stars were indeed so beyond beautiful. <3
Hey Jhuls! Were you in the north when you saw the stars? In the north you can see stars like that! Yummy guest posts! 😀
I am not sure, Chef Julianna! I was travelling to Malaysia that time. (Sigh!) Can you believe that when I saw the stars, my dream was to keep on travelling at night. 😀 Maybe I’d like to be a pilot? 😀
Loved both the recipes.
You are not the only crazy one there ;)… Count me in. I swear I saw a Milky Way kinda scene in the sky when I was a teenager and nobody believed me :(. Some precious memories that are not to be shared but cherished alone :).
At least now I know that I was not hallucinating. Thanks, Sonal.
Whoaa! Milky Way?? That must have been paradise!! <3
Loved reading this my friend! And loved these two guest posts! Miss you!
Thanks, Lori! And I missed you, too! 😀
Elaine @ foodbod
If you say you saw the stars, then I absolutely believe you xx
Ohhh! Thank you so much, Elaine!! 😀
Elaine @ foodbod