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Fiesta Friday # 32

(This is a scheduled post. I will get back to everyone whenever I am available.)

I will ask you something –

Do you believe that stars and constellation can be seen with your naked eyes?

So, you think people who will say that are crazy??

Or not??

Here’s the thing –  [I think] about 6 years ago, I was in a plane… it was night – or middle of the night – I haven’t checked the time. Anyway, I was asleep and traveling alone. When I woke up, I opened the window and I ‘saw’ stars like what you see in movies, as well as constellation. I can’t figure out the names as I forgot all their names. Excitedly, I told the story to one of my closest friends and she was like ‘??’. Later on, she told me that maybe I was just dreaming. I insisted that I was not. I had the chance to travel with her more than a year ago and confidently told her ‘Maybe I could see the stars again!’ I can’t remember what was her reaction. It was more than five hours trip and I chose the time of flight – night time. I tell you, I barely closed my eyes [to sleep] just to wait for the stars to appear. I was upset that I did not see even one. I told the same story to my co-worker who has been close to me for almost a year. She told me, I was just dreaming. I insisted the same thing – NO! I WAS NOT DREAMING.

The sure thing I could remember that happened? I was sitting and I woke up; opened the window and saw stars like this.  And I was like ‘Whoaaaa’. And I can’t remember what I did next.

After two persons told me that I was just dreaming, what do you think? Was that a dream? Or was that real? Ugh! I couldn’t even figure it out. 😐

…or am I crazy?

Uh, please tell me not. 😀

Anyyywaaayy, it’s Fiesta Friday and it’s okay to be crazy today. It’s fun to have a crazy buddy, right? 😛

Hey, I brought something today… Please be good to me. 😀 errr, not from me… but, from Linda and Martina. 😉 They are the first two who have submitted their guest post.

For those who have missed them, please check them out –

GRATIN DAUPHINOIS by Linda @ La Petite Paniere

BASIL GNOCCHI by Martina @ Make, Shake and Bake

I know, they are amazing! But you can say that again. 😀

And I know I owe you a reply back. Please bear with me as thenotsocreativecook is trying her best to get back to the normal ‘program’ and posting of ‘series’. I promise I will be back. <3

I hope you enjoy these!

Thank you to the ever kind, Angie, and to our co-hosts.

Happy FF#32!

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Enjoy the weekend and enjoy the party!!

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