Cheese Streusel Bread
Soft delicious buns coated with sweet cheese streusel This type of bread reminds me of my college days and even after I graduated. There was a certain bakeshop that I always get pieces of Cheese Streusel bread from. I wished…
Filipino Cheese Sticks
There are people who loves their food smoking hot, fresh the cooking pot or oven. There are people who loves their food warm. And there are people who loves their food at room temperature. I am one of those people.…
Mini Tortilla-Crust Pizzas
I am not really good with appetizers or things of that sort. In restaurant menus, I don’t pay that much of attention to appetizers/sides. I always spend time with main dishes, pastas, desserts and drinks.
(Oh, when did the…
Mini Tortilla Crust Pizza
HAPPY FIRST FIESTA FRIDAY ANNIVERSARY!! Preparing for First Fiesta Friday Anniversary is like preparing something for someone special. You get too excited what to make and you get busy buying all the stuffs you need. Before Angie’s invite, I have…
Pumpkin Polenta by Chef Mimi @ Chef Mimi Blog (a guest post)
Hello, Ladies and Gents… Bubbly and funny Friends… I missed you! <3 Thankfully, I am back! I think I was gone for too long that I need to spend another one whole month to catch up. How are things going…