Minty Peach Lemonade
Before I begin with my hopefully not too wordy post, I want to thank my possible volunteers for the guest post. I appreciate you all and I know that it takes effort from your side, so THANK YOU! As for the order on publishing the guest post, it will be like ‘first in, first out’. So whoever sends me the email for the guest post first, you will be the first one to go live. I think that would be fair enough for the guests. 😉 Of course, I will tell you when it is when I’m done scheduling everything.
If you have missed the story on why I am asking for volunteers for the guest post, it is because I might be away from the computer. The requirements – no pork or alcohol (or anything related). And the deadline for submission is on August 23rd… so volunteers can still email me. Please take note that in case CONFIRMED volunteers will be more than 10, the others’ post will be published by October, which is my birth month, so you could still offer me your guest post as birthday gift. 😀 Am I selfish to ask everyone to do a guest post for me? 😛
IF YOU STILL WANT TO BE MY GUEST and you did not meet the deadline, that will be great as well. I will still publish your guest post. If you’re game to be my guest, drop me an email. 😉
And now, it’s time for FF#29…
Get your swimwear ready as we will be partying at the pool today…
Right, Selma?
Um, Selma?
Aren’t you here yet?
I guess I’ll be alone co-hosting for the time being.
Oh, no!! YOU ARE ALREADY HERE, AND ANGIE, TOO!! That would be fun!!! 😀 😀 😀
Yes, I am co-hosting again with the super amazing and beautiful Selma. I really don’t think this woman needs an introduction at all. But, if it happens that you are new, come and give Selma a visit at Selma’s Table.
(New to Fiesta? Click the image below for the guidelines.)
As always, thank you, Angie, for creating this amazing party!!
Please bear with me and calm me down when I am on hyper mode. But, I don’t think I will be – I did not even bring sweets with me. :'( If I will be bouncy and hyper today due to the sugar overload, maybe I will be thrown into the pool… and that is not good. And because I will behave (ehem!) today, I’ll be just right here – giving everyone a glass of this… and hide some of the sweets
When Selma emailed me about co-hosting FF#29 with her, I immediately gave her [email] a big green. 😀 Felt so excited, eh? And we agreed about the pool party, which of course, approved by our super creative, amazing, talented [and everything] host, Angie. I think Angie hit up the gym so she could look best at her swimwear. Ooopss! Am I even allowed to say that?
Back to my excitement, I realized that my recipe posts don’t always go along with the weather. So for today’s party, I have decided to go with the weather. I was so excited to make this – checked the recipe multiple times, making sure that I don’t miss anything.
Aside from the fruits, I have the other ingredients. I made a mental list for the fruits and bought them.
And it’s time to make the drink…
- Difficulty: easy
- 3/4 cup water
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 3/4 cup packed mint leaves
- 2 cups water
- 4 peaches, washed, pits removed and cut into chunks
- 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- In a small pot with medium-high heat, combine 3/4 cup water and sugar. Bring to a boil until sugar is dissolved.
- Add mint leaves and leave them with the syrup until it has cooled down.
- In a blender, place chunks of peaces and pulse until pureed.
- Place the pureed peaches in a strainer over a bowl and using the back of the spoon, push down the pureed peaches (about 1 cup). Discard solid parts.
- Remove now the mint leaves from the syrup and discard.
- In a pitcher, add in mint syrup, peach puree, lemon juice and 2 cups water.
- Refrigerate until chilled or can be served with ice.
Source recipe: Five Heart Home
See? A perfect summer drink – refreshing! Now, grab a glass (or two) and let the party start!! 😀
Happy FF#29!
Enjoy the party and have an amazing weekend to everyone!!
Not too wordy post, huh? I don’t think it is. 😛
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So refreshing Jhuls! I love anything lemony! 🙂
Thank you, Sheila. It’s been a long time. I missed you. 🙂
I know Jhuls, I miss you too!!! 🙂
Love it!
I loved your post too because it really made me smile (a lot!) 😀
I can’t wait to read everyone’s guest posts 😀
Thank you, Sarah. <3
Kloesunny @ Kloe's Kitchen
Yum! What a perfect thing for a party. Thanks for bringing it! 🙂
It was my pleasure, Kloe. I missed you! 🙂
Chitra Jagadish
wow peach lemonade just gorgeous Jhuls, adore your creativity….love the combo in here, looks super cool and refreshing drink….
This could be perfect even in not summer months. 😉
Nicky Corbishley
Jhuls that sounds so tasty! It’s starting to cool down a little in the UK, but I think we might squeeze a few more hot days out of the summer yet. Sounds like the perfect refreshing drink to go with our last BBQ’s!!
Hey, Nicky. I am glad you loved this. How’s the weather there at UK? 🙂
Aaah…I love the addition of mint…and I have a ton of it growing in boxes on my patio. Thanks for the delicious idea!
It was my pleasure, Laila. I hope you could try this some other time. 🙂
Pang @ circahappy
Oh Jhuls, if I am not going away for 2 months myself, I would offer to be a guest post on your blog in a heart beat. But have fun on your time-away-from-computer, yes?
Happy FF# 29 to you, my sweet friend. Your lemonade here is so refreshing, just want I need for a pool party 🙂
Huge hugs
Awww, thanks Pang! I would love to have some of your photos on my blog. 😀 I’d be waiting for your email then??
I love a good fruity lemonade 🙂
Thanks, Aunt Juju. 🙂
Hey Jhuls! So, Selma asked me to keep an eye on you for a bit……Uh Jhuls…you can’t stay in the pool for the whole party! Your skin will go all wrinkly and some of the guests have been looking for you! They love your drink and want you to make another pitcher! I’d really like a glass too! 😉
Phew, now that I’ve done my job, I just want to tell you that this is a gorgeous summer lemonade and I can’t wait to try making it! 😀
You are so amazingly funny, Chef Julianna. I know you’d do that. 😀
Love lemonade and the peachy minty flavours sound great!! Great job co- hosting FF 🙂
Thanks a lot and I am sorry to be just responding. Have a pleasant day!
Ohh, that looks so refreshing. I’ve just bought some peaches today and will wrestle my kids for them when they’re fully ripe and juicy 😉
Thank you. I believe this drink is still good during non-summer months. 😉
Oh I’d love to go 🙁 so far away!!
Take some time off. 😉
Hello, Fernanda. Glad that you stopped by.
what a refreshing summer treat! Miss8 would love this 🙂
Thank you. 🙂
I love mint lemonade, but the peach I have not yet tried, looks light and refreshing 🙂
You will definitely love this, too. 🙂
Oh my, so delicious and refreshing, I could drink a whole pitcher of this on a not summers day, yum, thanks for bringing this to the party X
It was my pleasure, Lily. I am glad you loved this. 🙂
You couldn’t find a most appropriate drink for a pool party! It sounds delicious! Thanks for co-hosting!
Thanks a lot, Margy. <3
Hi Jhuls, glad to see you hosting the FF 20. I m joining the party too… 😀
You have an amazing blog… I m glad to connect with you here.. 🙂 <3
Thank you for the sweet words. Glad to see you here. 🙂
Gerard Villanueva
What a very thirst quenching looking lemonade Jhuls! Nice photos too!
Thank you for hosting F.F. again.
Hi, Gerard – long time. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Reading on the recipe, I surely know it is perfect for summer pool party!!!
Thanks for co-hosting this week’s FF#29 =)
Thank you, Nino. Sorry to be just responding. I was so busy before I was gone for a month.
Slurrrrpppp Jhuls, that looks absolutely divine!
My apology for the super late response. Thanks, Naina. 🙂
Aruna Panangipally
A refreshing lemonade is always welcome. Happy FF and have a great time hosting it. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Aruna. 🙂
Jhuls, this look so refreshing and tasty, your lemonade is perfect for a hot summer day 🙂 Thank you for co-hosting this week, Happy FF and have a wonderful weekend 😉
Hi, Linda. It’s really nice to see you here. It’s more than a month and your comment is waiting for me. Apologies, my dear. 😀
I hope you had a wonderful Eid Al Adha Jhuls, Eid Mubarak <3
I had, Linda. Thanks! I hope you did, too. 🙂
Lemonade here i come !! 😉 Happy FF and co-hosting 🙂
Hello, Andy! I am so sorry to be just responding – life has been so busy. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a lovely weekend! 🙂
Yum! I really wish it would hurry up and warm up around here. This looks absolutely lovely, and refreshing!
Thanks for being here, Nell. 🙂
The perfect drink for the perfect pool party. Thanks for co-hosting this week. You and Selma are doing a fabulous job.
Glad you liked this, Hilda. I know it’s too late, but I am willing to make another batch. 😉
Love the easy refreshing peachy lemonade. Perfect for the pool party! Have marked it for future use!
Thank you, Su! I’d like to know your thoughts when you make this. 🙂
This lemonade looks so refreshing!
Thank you, Nancy! Glad you loved this. 🙂
Arl's World
Love lemonade and this Peach Lemonade sounds perfect! Excuse me while I go refill my glass …can’t have too much 😉 Happy FF!!
I hope Peaches never ends its season so we could enjoy them all year round. 🙂
Michelle @ Giraffes Can Bake
This looks and sounds amazing, midnight is the perfect time for lemonade drinking right?! And I love how you didn’t get enough lemons, that’s the kind of thing I would do – I do do in fact! When I go grocery shopping with my friend I’m in charge of making the lists and we get there and say there’s “chicken broth” on the list and she says “how much” and I’m like “…umm?? I don’t know, just get this one it’ll be fine!” she gets very frustrated with me! I’m not sure why I’m still allowed to make the lists haha!
So great to see you co-hosting again Jhuls 😀 Have a great FF!
So you don’t follow your list, huh? Me, too. 😀
Melissa @ The Glen House
Ha ha, I’ve just read your post at a hundred miles an hour, I can just image you hyper!!
Hahahaha! You know me too well, Melissa! 🙂
Traditionally Modern Food
Refreshing drink. Co-hosting is fun:-)
This is indeed refreshing!! 🙂 Thanka for being here.
Fabulous Jhuls, thanks for co hosting and so glad you brought such a delicious and refreshing drink, pool party woohoo! !
Suzanne, I think I am lost and replying to comments from FF29. 😀 Life was kinda busy, so I had to set aside blogging. 🙁 I am happy to see you here. Thanks as always!
Refreshing and thanks for hosting. If you saw that I misspelled your name in my post then I’m sorry but I’ve fixed it. 🙂
That’s fine as long as it is pronounced Jhuls. 😀 I am so late – thanks for being here! 🙂
You are on a roll Jhuls! Pool party? Ahaaaa :).
That peach mint drink is awesome and refreshing. Sending my recipe this weekend for your guest post. And hurrah for cohosting FF again.
Sonal!! I am not in a wrong party – just checking what I left behind. 😀
Glad that you left a note for me. Amd glad thay you love everything at FF29. 🙂
Very refreshing Jhuls! Always love reading and seeing your posts!
When is the deadline for the guest post again? Things have been so crazy busy that I forgot!
Thank you, Lori. 🙂
On August 23. I know you are too busy, you don’t have to push yourself. <3
No, I WANT to do it my friend! I WILL do it! 😉 <3 Please count me in!
P.S. Thanks for linking me up to FF again! I am usually asleep when Angie’s post goes up, so I love when you do that for me! <3
Jhules this looks so divine and a great way to make the grey whether we are having over here a little more summery! Thanks for hosting, can’t wait to link up in a bit…!
Hi, Mandy. I am glad to find a note from you – your comment always makes me smile. Thanks! 🙂
I’ve something like this before, just can’t remember where and it was delicious, perfect for this time of year.
Thank you, Cheri! 🙂
Elaine @ foodbod
Your drink looks so pretty!!! Have fun co hosting, honey xxx
I had fun co-hosting, Elaine. Thanks for leaving a comment. 🙂 Life has been busy and I need to put my blogging aside. 🙁
Elaine @ foodbod
I know, I hope you’re okay xx
So far, I am, Elaine! 😀 Thanks a lot! Hugs to you!! <3
Elaine @ foodbod
And you xx
Sylvia @superfoodista.com
Yum, looks so good this lemonade Jhuls!!! And thanks so much for co-hosting the FF! I know it’s lots of work, but so fun too!! Really looking forward to be partying with you this week! 😉
Co-hosting is indeed fun, Sylvia. Thank you so much for being here! 🙂
Ngan R.
Yummy lemonade, Jhuls, and it goes perfectly with the season. Peaches are at their height now in my neck of the woods. You are too funny dear, and I see you are nearing the edge of that pool – be careful before you get nudged in! Thanks for co-hosting and happy FF!
Luckily, nobody threw me. 😀 They must have loved the peach drink that much – they needed me to make another batch. 😀
Colette Broomhead
Sounds very refreshing! Will have to give that one a try 🙂
I hope you’ll love it. Please le me know, yes? Thank you so much for being here. 🙂
I’m loving peach lemonade this summer too!!! And this one with mint looks amaaaazing! It’s perfect for lounging by the pool and or to use to distract others when the desserts come out. 😉 Happy Fiesta Friday Miss Jhuls!!!
I have taken lots of extra desserts with me when I made another batch of this, Lina. While they are refilling their glasses, I was busy taking desserts. 😀
Thank you for co-hosting this party Jhuls! This drink is the perfect glass to raise in celebration! Cheers!
I am so sorry to be just responding now. And thanks a lot that I found a comment from you today. 🙂
It’s always great to hear from you. Thanks!
Thanks for co-hosting with Selma! I just love a poolside party. 🙂
The minty peach lemonade recipe looks delicious. I think everyone likes their lemonade differently. We were making a blueberry lemonade the other day, and my mom preferred more water in the recipe than my sister or me.
Happy FF, and have a wonderful weekend!!
I prefer more water, Kaila. Even if I buy bottled juices, I add more water to it. 😀
Hey Jhuls, great to see you hosting FF again. I’m loving this lemonade, it definitely goes with the weather/season.
I’ll probably be emailing you too about a guest post if that’s alright with you 😉
Hi, Jess! I waited for the email and I am still waiting. 😀 I know the deadline is up but you can still send me as I have guest bloggers for October. 😉
Awesome! The only reason I haven’t sent it yet was because I missed the deadline and didn’t think you needed it anymore- but now this changes everything lol Expect the email in your inbox VERY soon 😉
Hahahaha! I will not let you go with this, Jess! 😀