Sarciadong Bulad
Sarciadong Bulad is something new to me. Well, not completely new, but still new.
I know about Sarciadong Isda which is a dish made up of fried fish then simmered with tomatoes, onion, ginger, garlic, and eggs. (More about Sarciado/Sarsiado here.) But I didn’t know that you can do this with bulad, too.

Bulad (we call it Bulad in our hometown) or Buwad/Daing is salted dried fish. We commonly eat it during breakfast (yes, breakfast😅) with rice, fried egg and your preferred sides.

Bulad is not something I liked eating as a kid due to its pungent smell (yeah, I know😬). But as time passes and witnessed how the elders enjoyed them, I gave in and loved it, too. (Talking about Bulad had me craving for this.)
Non-meat meals like Sarciadong Bulad is usually enjoyed during Holy Week. Am I right? Correct me if I am wrong because I am not observing Holy Week.
Sarciadong Bulad is very similar to Sarciadong Isda – the fish is fried then simmered with tomatoes, onion, ginger, and garlic. I didn’t add eggs to this dish; instead, I cooked it separately. And because I love to keep the crispiness of the Bulad, I just put them over the “sauce”.

- You can simmer the fried salted dried fish with the “sauce”, but I’d like to keep the crispiness of the fish so I didn’t do it.
- Also, you can add eggs to the sauce like how you make Sarciadong Isda but I’d like to enjoy it separately.
I’ve shared a recipe video on our YouTube channel. I hope you can check it out. While you are there, maybe you’d see something you’d like. If you do, please don’t forget to share, like and subscribe. Hope to see you there!
I am sharing this at Fiesta Friday # 374 |
Sarciadong Bulad/Buwad/Daing
- Cooking oil
- 3-5 Bulad (salted dried fish)
- 1 thumb size ginger sliced
- 3 cloves garlic copped
- 1 onion sliced
- 1 tomato sliced
- ¼ cup red bell pepper sliced
- 1 green chili sliced
- ½ – 2/3 cup water
- Spring onions sliced
- Salt & pepper to taste
- Fried eggs with tomatoes (optional)
- Cook white rice to serve
In a pan over medium heat, add cooking oil. When the oil is hot enough, fry the salted dried fish on both sides until cooked. Remove from the pan and transfer to a plate. Discard the oil.
Using the same pan, add cooking oil. When the oil is hot enough, add ginger and garlic; cook for about 1 minute. Add sliced onion, tomato, red bell pepper, and chili; cook until soft. Add water (depending on how “saucy” you dish to be) and let it simmer for about 5 minutes.
Add spring onions, then season with salt & pepper.
Transfer the sauce to a plate and top with the fried salted dried fish.
Serve with warm cooked white rice. I also like to have fried eggs with tomatoes on the side.
Recipe Notes
- You can simmer the fried salted dried fish with the “sauce”, but I’d like to keep the crispiness of the fish so I didn’t do it.
- Also, you can add eggs to the sauce like how you make Sarciadong Isda but I’d like to enjoy it separately.
If you make this recipe, please send me a photo on my Instagram account (@thenotsocreativecook).
Thanks a bunch for spending your precious time with me!

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