Meet New Bloggers #38

Hello! Hello! How is everyone doing? I hope you are all okay and you had a lovely weekend.

Please forgive me for not being able to do the this last weekend as I was a little ill. More of that story on other post. In the meantime, I bring you another set of bloggers you could add to your friends. 😉


The Dairy Free Baker

“A lot of people who give up milk for any reason see it is as unavoidable that they will have to give up treats and favourite foods. I hope with this blog I can show people that it doesn’t have to be that way, and that things can be made dairy free and be just as tasty.”

I love the idea of having a blog with dairy-free recipes because it is great for lactose intolerant people or for those who doesn’t want to consume dairy products. I found this Lemon, Blueberry and Mint Loaf Cake so mouth-watering.

Cozy Eats 

“I am a lover of: tea, cats, lipstick, bulldogs, and food in general. You will find a lot of cozy, feel-good, seasonal, and fresh recipes here on my blog.”

Megan and I have something in common – the love for tea. And these bars of Gluten-Free Brownies with Raspberries and Walnuts are just perfect with tea.

Arugula and Amore

“This blog represents an initiative to be more artistic, to slow down, to share good food with friends and family and to learn Italian–all things I’ve said I’d like to do. So, I’m doing them. Arugula and Amore represents a year of taking more chances, taking more time and tasting more food…and wine.”

Mostly, you will see gluten-free recipes because of the husband. One of the gluten-free recipes she has is this Ultimate Fudgy Gluten Free Brownies.

Fock That’s Good

 “I am not an expert in food (who is?), but I do enjoy playing with flavours and creating exciting eats especially in this place we live, where certain ingredients are not always available.  I also love the amazing local market produce, and the way in which the food is cooked intrigues me.”

Jacqueline Fock also loves the comfort her kitchen gives her. She love her gadgets, too. Who doesn’t? 😀 I also love this Coconut, lentil & veg soup with turmeric & ginger chicken stock.

Beyond Fit Recipes

“I have always adored food, in every conceivable sense. Dinner parties at the cottage are one of my favourite things. There’s something miraculous about sharing a meal and time with friends. There’s something even more awe-inspiring that comes with being able to introduce them to heavenly dishes which are as medicinal as they are mouthwatering. I cherish being able share health and happiness, to demonstrate that the elimination of meat, dairy, sugar, gluten, processed foods, chemicals, flavourings and additives does not mean compromising on creation and flavour.”

Hanna’s story is very inspiring that you have to check it out yourself. You also have to check this Root Spaghetti with Artichoke Hearts. 😉


I hope you have time to visit these amazing blogs. Enjoy the week. 😉

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