Red Velvet Crinkle Kisses
As I have said in this post, I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. For some bloggers, they prepare their own treats to post before or on Valentine’s Day. To go with the trend, I decided to make something as well.
Ube Crinkles
These Ube Crinkles are soft and chewy on the inside. Perfect for a sweet tooth like me! FYI: This was first published back in 2014, but I’ve updated the post including the photos and did little changes on the recipe.…
thenotsocreativecook at 33 (A Birthday Post)
I usually get excited before my birthday comes; I count days. And not only days, sometimes I say ‘It’s three months before my birthday.’ (Is it crazy?) What makes me so excited? Maybe the gift I’ll get for myself? Or…
Red Velvet Crinkle Sandwiches
Note: I will use these yummy treats to bribe everyone, especially the FF crowd – I have a favor to ask. What is it? Find out below.
*** The last few days were really crazy – I have lost…