“Introducing ‘new’ bloggers” series {and I need HELP}

I’ve been getting good feedback regarding my post on “Introducing ‘new’ bloggers” series and I am so delighted that everyone loves it. I don’t have the intention to end the said series as new bloggers are popping out almost everyday and I want them to feel that they are very much welcome in this community.

How do I search for ‘new’ bloggers?

Honestly, I don’t have any categories. I just explore posts with tags ‘baking‘, ‘brownies‘, ‘cakes‘, ‘cooking‘ and some other. Through these tags, I pick bloggers who seem new to me, or just joined the blogging community.

How do I pick them?

It’s pretty simple – I read their ‘About’ page first and read some of their posts. If I enjoy reading it, then that’s it. I don’t solely look at the photos; I read their hungry tales, too. 😀 I will not deny that the photos are a plus, but what’s more important to me are the stories.

Do I have any schedule for doing the search? When do I post them? 

No. No. I don’t have that. But I usually do it during weekends (and sometimes I steal time from work). Sometimes, I get lucky to get ten new bloggers on the list. I decided to post them during Mondays because Monday is equals to new day of the new week (makes sense?)… so new bloggers, too. 😀 If I have ten on the list, I post the first five and the next five on the next week. If I miss to post during the week, I try my very best to pay them back on the next week and post ten new bloggers.


I have been having a rough week and I can’t seem to figure out how to steal a time from work to do the #8 of the series.

Err, what about weekends? Ramadan is very near so I have to do some preparations – plan what meals to cook, general cleaning and things of that sort. (Can I just get a new house? Cleaned and everything else… like meals have already been prepared?? Of course not!) …and Ramadan will start very soon.

What kind of help I am asking for?? 

I mentioned in my previous post from the series that if you know ‘new’ bloggers for me to include here, it would be my joy to include them here.

How do you choose? 

No categories required at all. If you seem to like the ‘new’ bloggers, please feel free to leave me a message here. And since I cannot spend that much time to read, I would be very grateful if you could send my why do you like that blog. You can submit/give as many bloggers as you like. Of course, I would mention your name –

“Meet Ginger @ Gingerlicious (I just made this up – all I can think of right now is Ginger because I’d love to drink Ginger tea) who has been introduced by Jhuls@thenotsocreativecook.”

…unless you instruct me not to.

So, friends, you might have new kids on the block… please leave me a message in my contact page. I don’t want to pause this series, and I know that you don’t want it as well. 😛

Thank you very much in advance. I will make you a cake for this! 😀


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