Instant Noodles with Canned Sardines

Level up your instant noodles by adding canned sardines.

I’ve mentioned in one of my posts before that I always have canned goods like sardines and tuna, and instant noodles in my kitchen cupboard. It is because I can count on them whenever I get hungry and doesn’t have enough time to cook. Sometimes, I just crave for them. 

When cooking instant noodles, I only add egg most of the time. Although, this idea of adding canned sardines to instant noodles is an old habit my brother and I used to enjoy. 

I cannot remember who taught who, but if I can remember it correctly, my brother and I are the only ones among our siblings who love this humble dish. 

This is very easy to prepare. First thing is we have to sauté garlic, onions and tomatoes in hot oil. Next, we have to add water and bring to a boil then we add the noodles and cook until firm. Last thing is we add the seasoning powder from the packets and the canned sardines. You can add spring onions or other leafy greens. In fact, you can add your choice of veggies. 

In the past, we used to cook the noodles and sauté the sardines separately and mix them before serving. I found out that both ways of cooking (separately and cooking both in one pot) gives you the same exact taste, so why add another pot to the dirty dishes, right? 

I also add poached eggs or boiled eggs. Of course, we always enjoy this with rice. We are Asians and we definitely love our rice. 😀 We also drizzle calamansi juice and the taste is just amazing!

This dish a good way to upgrade both instant noodles and canned sardines. I use sardines in tomato sauce… always.

I am so thrilled to co-host this Angie’s Fiesta Friday #323 this week because I am co-hosting with an amazing friend, Laurena @ Life Diet Health. Please visit us and don’t forget to link back to us so you’ll have the chance to be featured. 😉

I’ve shared a video on my YouTube channel. I know this is a very easy recipe, but I hope you’d still have the chance to watch the recipe video. Please don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. See you there! 😉

Instant Noodles with Canned Sardines

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 2
Author Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook


  • Cooking oil
  • 2 cloves garlic chopped
  • 1 onion sliced/chopped
  • 1 tomato sliced/chopped
  • 1 chili optional
  • 500 ml water
  • 2 packets instant noodles including the seasoning packets (see notes)
  • 1 canned sardines in tomato sauce
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Spring onions or other leafy greens of your choice
  • Poached or boiled eggs optional


  1. In a pot over medium heat, add cooking oil.
  2. When the oil is hot enough, add garlic and cook until soft.
  3. Add onion, tomato and chili. Cook until onion and tomato are soft.
  4. Pour about 500 ml of water and let it boil.
  5. Add 2 packets of instant noodles (don’t add the seasoning powder at this step) and cook until firm.
  6. Empty one can of sardines in tomato sauce and add it to the cooked noodles along with the seasoning powder.

  7. Season with salt and pepper, then turn off the heat.

  8. You may add leafy greens.
  9. Serve immediately and with poached or boiled eggs if desired.

Recipe Notes

You can discard the seasoning packets and replace with chicken cube(s).

Thanks a bunch for spending your precious time with me!

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