Banana Muffins
I was 15 years old when I failed in baking for the first time. That was my first attempt at baking. I almost cried. After that, I thought… baking is not really for me. Last year, April 2012, I was…
a quote to remember
“Recipes don’t work unless you use your heart! “ – Dylan Jones
Chicken Sopas (Chicken Macaroni Soup)
First, if you have kids who don’t like to eat veggies, you can grate the veggies for them or slice them very thinly, or even chop. This is a good way to let your kids start eating veggies. This dish has…
Penne Alfredo with Chicken
My search for Alfredo recipe has finally ended. My previous attempts were good but I felt that there was something missing. I was looking for a flavor or something that I don’t know. Did you feel that?! That the food…
A quote to start with…
“…no one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.” – Julia Child, My Life in France