My name is Jhuls.
I think/dream about food 99% of the time.
Which one you prefer – nice or naughty foods – I have them both. I have more naughty foods, though. 😀
I hope you can find something interesting and I hope you enjoy.
Thanks a lot for stopping by.
Always smile & have fun in everything you do.
My Favorite Recipes
I would like to let you know that I have nominated you for the “Blue Sky Tag” See link: click here Hope you will be able to participate and pay this forward. Congratulations my blogger friend for being nominated and check out their wonderful blogs.
This is so sweet! Thank you so much for thinking of me!
Hi Jhuls, I just discovered your blog this morning on Instagram. Such a pleasure to browse it. I was trilled by the pictures and recipes. When I reach the “Spinach flat bread” …I just had to put it on my list and to come and Thank you! for all your work you are doing here 🙂
Wow! Thank you so much for your sweet words, Felicia. I am really delighted that you like what you see here. I hope I won’t disappoint you.😬 I am always on a happy mood when I share. Thanks a lot and see you around. Take care!💜💐
Christina Nifong
Love your blog and looking forward to following along! I wanted to reach out and invite you to take a look at my new blog: http://christinanifong.com If you like what you see, please sign up for my weekly email newsletter in the sign up box you’ll find here: http://christinanifong.com/category/blog/ Thanks for taking a look!
Hi, Christina. Thanks for following my blog. I am sure I’ve heard your name somewhere… well, maybe because we are in the same world of blogging? Haha! Or maybe we’ve chatted before? My memory is not that good, I am sorry. Anyway, I’ve subscribed to your blog. Looking forward to following your amazing posts. Thanks again for stopping by. Appreciated much! Take care! x
Christina Nifong
Thanks so much for your follow! Yes, I think it must be from blogging that my name sounds familiar…. Do you party at Fiesta Friday? That’s where I’ve met so many wonderful foodies! Looking forward to swapping recipes and cooking tips with you in the future!
Oh yes yes! I always party at Fiesta Friday. Maybe that’s where we first met. 😀
Hi Jhuls, Thank you for the mention, I didn’t think anyone except my friends and family knew about my little blog, so this feels great 🙂 I’m also glad I got to see this very lovely space of yours, love the entire look and feel of it.
Thank you, Bhavita. I am glad that I found you. Looking forward to following your blog. 🙂
Hello Jhuls
This is my submission for Lin’s Rare Recipe Challenge. Please do visit the post and let me know what you think of it 🙂
Just saw it, Ana. Your Haleem sounds wonderful. 😀 Thanks for notifying me. x
Fae's Twist & Tango
Hi Sweet Jhuls, I hadn’t visited for a while and it was a pleasure going through your posts. I see your blog has evolved even more beautiful, it looks absolutely gorgeous and delightful, especially your recipes and presentations/photography. xo Fae.
Hi, Fae. Yeah, long time. How are you doing?!
Thank you so much, Fae. I will visit your blog soon. I also haven’t visiting a lot. I am also doing bad in replying comments. 🙁 I hope I’ll get back on track very soon. It’s nice to hear from you. Have a lovely week. xx
Lynz Real Cooking
I really like your tips and agree with them! they are all so true!! Really awesome!
Thank you so much, Lynz. I have a series related to tips and tricks, but haven’t been active recently. I am planning to get up and do it again. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Lynz Real Cooking
that would be great!
Hi Jhuls, I just nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. I ope you can stop by my blog for the details.
Hi Jhuls, I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, hope that is okay with you! Just head on over to my blog and under the Design & Awards tab you’ll find a link to the post. Looking forward to reading your answers! – Ally xx
Hi Jhuls! I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award 😀 You don’t have to accept f course, but if you do, here’s the link to my post: https://sarahslittlekitchen.wordpress.com/2015/07/03/sisterhood-of-the-world-blogger-award/ xxx Sarah
Alyssa's Breakfast Cafe
Hi! <3 I've nominated you for the "Infinity Dreams Award." http://bit.ly/1ToQhz0
Hi, Alyssa. I am so sorry to be just responding. I am very bad at handling comments the few months. But thank you so much for thinking of me. Have a lovely weekend. 🙂 Sending hugs to you…
My Uni Kitchen
Thanks for visiting and following my blog. Yours is so lovely and great. Mine pales in comparison…kind of daunting really, but I want mine to be as good as yours one day. Thanx again, hope you come by and visit again! x
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook
Awww that is so sweet. Thank you so much for stopping by 🙂 xx
Hi! Your blog is lovely! Your recipes are pretty creative 🙂 The first post I saw on your blog was the Nutella French Toast Roll Up and I thought it was just genius. Who ever thought good old nutella and toast could get better – you did! I can’t wait to make my version of it. Will be sure to link you up 🙂 Have a great day!
~ Aniqa
Thank you so much, Aniqa. I appreciate your sweet comment.
Thanks a lot for following my blog and from now on, we will be friends. 😉 Have a great week. xx
Quinn Caudill
You have a beautiful blog. I am still new at this and trying to figure it all out. I wish blogging was as easy as the cooking. I might need to borrow your “things you have learned in the kitchen” quotes. I agree with all of them.:)) I have more self confidence and control when I am in the kitchen, even when I am catering for 200 people at my church. It seems like a frenzy but that is the time to stay calm. Good planning is the key to any food project. I Keep on cooking. ::)))))
Thank you so much, Quinn. Borrow whatever you can from my blog. Thanks for stopping by, too. 🙂
Thanks for the follow! My humble food blog is now about a month old … much to learn, but loving it!
You, too, have an amazing blog. 😉
Hi! Its nice to meet you! Thanks for following me! Your blog is beautiful!
Thanks a lot for following back. Nice to see you here. 🙂
You’re so welcoming! Thank you! 🙂
Hey, maybe you’d like to join us at Fiesta Friday. 😉 It’s a virtual party happening every Friday.
Sounds like fun! I’ll bring the snacks!
Yay! I hope to see you this coming Friday. If you want to know more about it, you can visit the host’s blog (thenovicegardener.wordpress.com) and click the Fiesta Friday tab. 😉
Awesome! I’ll definitely check it out! 🙂
Great. Hope to see you this Friday. xx
What time is the party? Out timezones might be different I’m in California PST 🙂
There’s really no specific time, but you can follow Angie, the host, so you’d be able to see from your feed/reader when the party goes live. 😉 As soon as Angie goes live, there’s a badge to click for you to add the URL of your post. Let me know if there’s something you’d like to ask. 🙂
Thanks for the help! You’re awesome!
Nah! I just love this community and meeting new friends. You can drop me an email in the Contact page if you want. 😉
Will do!
Hi, thanks so much for popping by my website and liking my posts 🙂 it’s nice to see a fellow kitchen adventurer and I look forward to reading about your adventures. Happy cooking! x
It’s my pleasure, Vanessa. The challenges you are doing is really great. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by & I hope you join us at Fiesta Friday in the future. 😀 It’s a fun virtual party.
xx Jhuls
Love the blog name!
Thank you so much! 🙂
Natalie Browne
Thank you for following my blog and for sharing a link to it on yours. I’m a bit of a bookworm, too and look forward to reading more of your posts 🙂
Hmm, so lovely to know that. We should exchange book title some other time. 😉 Happy 2015!!
Momina Asif
Such a cute description of making the kitchen messy, then laughing at yourself and not being upset. Just loved it.And I totally share the love for reading, and having a little dream world of my own. Im looking forward to going through your posts. 🙂
Sorry to be just responding. And thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely weekend. 🙂
Thank you for visiting my blog! I have enjoyed looking at your blog and I look forward to reading more of your posts! I enjoy your photographs!
Your blog is wonderful. 🙂 Looking forward to following yours as well. Thank you for the compliment. Have a nice day. <3
Wow, it’s taken me a while to scroll down all these lovely comments about your blog, Jhuls! You clearly deserve all the awards you’ve been nominated for 🙂 Going by your ‘about’ page, we are practically the same person: liking baking, cooking, eating, blogging and photography, being messy in the kitchen, and having a love of reading! I just wish I had more hours in the day to fit all these things in (particularly the reading which I never seem to be able to do anymore :(… but have recently picked up again!) I am looking forward to more of your posts! <3
Awww, thank you, Chloe. Haven’t had time to read in in more than two months as well. But will pick up a book this week and start reading again. It’s really nice to meet you. <3
I know you are bus my friend, so no rush but, wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! <3 Yay! 🙂 Here is the link to follow if you want to participate:
My Kitchen Moments
Hi, Congratulations… I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please collect it at – https://mykitchenmoments.wordpress.com/2014/09/11/many-more-awards-and-a-note-of-thanks-to-all/
Isabelita's Larder
What a lovely blog! Love all of your chat and look forward to more!
Thank you so much for the lovely words, Isabelita. 🙂
Hi Jhuls, I have nominated you for the WordPress Family Award. I would love it if you could collect it at http://aromasandflavours.com/2014/08/12/i-am-now-a-part-of-the-wordpress-family-a-mini-showcase-of-my-glass-paintings/
Awww, thank you so much, skd!! You are so sweet. <3
Hi! I just nominated you for the Leibster Award! http://thecakearchitect.wordpress.com/2014/08/08/leibster-award/ 🙂
Awww… Thank you so much!! I might be slow in passing this, but I will, eventually. I hope you have an amazing weekend. <3
Hi Jhuls, hope you’re starting to feel better!
Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! 😀 You can check it out here: http://giraffescanbake.com/no-recipe-2/inspiring-blogger-award/
Have a great day!
Michelle x
Aww! Thank you so much, Michelle. I am so much better now. I did another baking. 😀 And thank you so much for the nomination. <3
Hi Jhuls! It’s me again and I think you know what that means, right? :p
I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!
And no, I won’t tell you why because it is so obvious 😉
xxx Sarah
Awww!! Thanks again, Sarah!! I really appreciate you giving this award to me. You know that I will work on this, eventually, right? 😀
You’re welcome Jhuls 🙂 Haha I know you’ll work on it ^^ take your time, no rush 🙂
Thanks, Sarah! Sending you much love… <3
Hi Jhuls! I nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award sweetie 🙂
xxx & hugs
It’s me again, Sarah! 😀 And again, thank you so much for the nomination. I really appreciate you. <3
It is my pleasure Jhuls 🙂 thanks! <3
Hi Jhuls so glad to have discovered your blog. I love your “introducing new blogger” series…how sweet of you. Shows your’re a warm kind person. Indeed very touching…need more ppl like you out there. You have already won my heart.😘 Looking fwd to your recipes and interacting with you.
Aww! Thank you so much for your kind words. I am so touched and I am happy to know that you love the series. It’s nice to meet nee bloggers. 🙂 Thank you for following my blog and looking forward to following yours. I hope you join us at Fiesta Friday. 🙂
Chitra Jagadish
Dear friend,
I truly appreciate your support and encouragement. I take this opportunity to nominate you for ‘Dragons loyalty award’
Please check the link for details:
Look forward to your continued support.
– Chitra Jagadish
Hi, Chitra. I apologize to be just responding now. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness; I will try to work on this soon. <3
Hi Jhuls, I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Versatile blogger award – http://wp.me/p3Nc97-vT. Have a lovely day!
Hey, Ahila. I know I am very late to respond, but I’d like to say thank you for thinking of me. I really appreciate it and I will try to work on this soon. <3
Good working Jhuls thet so realy hard working 🙂
Thank you, Nino. 🙂
Hello jhuls,
Last week I ask my middle kid “Jesica” to check out some Fiesta Friday party goers. I gave her an assignment to go through the about page of every blogger she will pick. I just want her to develop her reading skill. I never knew that she did comment in here.
Anyway, she must felt how hard to an assistant at a young age of 9. By the way, Jesica will turn 9 on Nov.1 this year and she also love to assist me whenever I do some baking at home.
And from your recent post lastweek “Yema Cake”, If I’m not mistaken, you are a Filipina?
Nice Blog, Great photos and Yummy Foods!!! Mabuhay =)
p.s. is it ok if I post some of your recipe(with a direct link to your blog) on my Facebook fan page?
Oh! She was the one who left the comment. 😀 Such a sweet little girl. Please say ‘Hello’ to Jessica and tell her thank you for the comment. I’d love to hear from her again. She’s young and so nice to train her at an early age. You are doing very well, Nino. 🙂
And as for the posts, of course, you can share them. It will be my pleasure. I have an FB page, too. What’s yours? I’d love to ‘like’ your page.
And yes, I am a Filipina. 🙂
Jess M.
Hey Jhuls, I love your blog! I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award and the Quintet of Radiance Award! If you want more information you can read more here:
Hope you’re having a great day!
Hey, Jess. Sorry to be just responding now. Life was quite busy. I hope it’s not too late to thank you.
I will work on this as soon as I find enough time. I really appreciate you nominating me. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. <3
Hi Jhuls!
I’m stopping by to give you another Award! Congratulations on winning the Liebster Award! (Woohoo!)
Hi, Sarah. I hope it’s not too late to thank you. 😀
Thanks for the nomination. I feel so honored. <3 I will work on this as soon as I get my schedule fixed.
How's the summer job? I miss exchanging emails with you. I hope everything is great. <3
HI Jhuls!
No it’s not too late 🙂 I know you have a lot of work 🙂
The summer job is still great, I really love doing it 🙂 and I have only bought 1 book that I gave to my grandmother to read first ^^ She finished it in 2 days! 😮
I miss thee mails too, it is always nice to receive such an email instead of the usual spam 😉
How are you doing these days? <3
I will reply to you in email, Sarah. <3
Okay 🙂 Looking forward to it ^^
Hi Jhuls! I can see I am not the only one who like your blog and loves reading your posts! I want to let you know that I have nominated you for The Liebster Award 🙂 Congrats! You can accept it and check the details at: http://lapetitepaniere.com/2014/06/24/award-post/ Linda x
See? I have not replied your comment from June 24. Tsk tsk tsk.
Thank you so much for nomination, Linda. I will work on the awards as soon as I have enough time. <3
Hi Jhuls, I just wanted to let you know, that I have nominated you for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Here’s the link with instructions if you’d like to accept it: http://makeshakeandbake.wordpress.com/2014/06/23/wonderful-team-member-readership-award/ 🙂
I would gladly accept it and participate, Martina. It might not be soon, but eventually I will participate. Thank you so much for thinking of me. <3
Chitra Jagadish
You have an awesome blog and I really appreciate and like to thank you for following my blog.
I would like to nominate you for an award. Please check the details:
Chitra Jagadish
Awww! Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate you thinking of me. <3
Chitra Jagadish
You deserve it Jhuls..have a good weekend
Ayesha Sindhu
Hey Jhuls! Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my posts. I’m following you now and look forward to reading about your adventures in the kitchen! Cheers!
Thank you so much, Ayesha. This makes my day brighter. Following back… 😉 Have a fab week.
Hey Jhuls! I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for a little award! Remember that it is your choice to participate. Have a great week! For more information, just go to: http://foodieonboard.com/2014/06/11/i-am-grateful/
Hello, Chef Julianna! What a lovely surprise from you! Thank you so much for thinking of me. <3
Oh, it is my pleasure, Jhuls! 😀
Hi Jhuls! It’s me again 😀 I have another award for you! http://sarahslittlekitchen.wordpress.com/2014/06/08/wow-another-award/
Thank you so much, Sarah! You are much appreciated. <3
🙂 Thank you 🙂 <3
Jhuls….my dear friend! I know you have thousands of awards by now and are feeling behind on them, but I also know you love them! So may this one I am giving you make your face smile brightly! 🙂 Take your time on it…no worries!
I so appreciate how you always come by and read what I write and I always look forward to your comments! You put a smile on my face! This is why I am giving you the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award! For more info go here:
Awww! I love you, Lori! You really did put a smile on my face! And you know how busy my life is, huh? 😀 Thank you so much for this wonderful award, Lori. And congrats on yours! <3
My Kitchen Moments
Hi Jhuls, i have nominated you for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Do check it out! http://mykitchenmoments.wordpress.com/2014/06/07/more-awards
Wow! Thank you so much making my day brighter. 🙂 I will pass this award as soon as I can and thank you so much for thinking of me. Congrats on yours! 😉
My Kitchen Moments
Thank you Jhuls 🙂 You deserve the award! Have a lovely week! 🙂
Hi Jhuls! I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award 🙂 http://sarahslittlekitchen.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/liebster-award/
Thank you so much, Sarah!! I really appreciate you passing the award to me. <3
🙂 <3
My Kitchen Moments
Hi Jhuls, Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my posts, which led me to discover yours. You have a lovely space here and i am still exploring. Looking forward to read more of your posts 🙂
Thank you so much for visiting back, I really appreciate it. <3
Jhuls….dear Jhuls! I know you are behind on these, so I hope this doesn’t overwhelm you. 😉 BUT…..I did want to give you an award….the Butterfly Light Award! I was very intentional in giving this to you….I hope you accept! 🙂 Here’s the link so you can read what I wrote about you 😉 …
What a lovely surprise, Lori! Thank you so much for always thinking of me. I’m off to your blog now to check…
(You know that I will pass this award, eventually. Please, be patient with me. 😀 )
I will definitely be patient! No worries at all…take your time my friend! And I am glad it was a lovely surprise!
Thank you so much for understanding, Lori! <3
Arl's World
Good Morning! I would love to nominate you for this award. 🙂 http://wp.me/p4bcab-PM
What a lovely surprise after a tiring day! Thank you so much, Arl. I’ll make sure to pass this award as soon as I can. Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
Arl's World
You are welcome Jhuls! Wishing you a great weekend too!!
The Desserted Girl
Thank you for the follow and all those likes! Much flattered 🙂 You have an awesome blog!
Thank you for following back! You have an amazing blog, too! And the logo? Just fabulous! <3
By the way, since you are here, I would love to invite you to join us on Fiesta Friday, if you haven't already. http://thenovicegardener.wordpress.com/fiesta-friday/ We'd love to have you there. 😉
The Desserted Girl
Thank you, that’s so sweet 🙂 i’ll do my best to join in!
Hi Jhuls, thanks for visiting my blog 🙂 I look forward to reading your posts!
It’s my pleasure! Thanks for visiting back! 🙂
Hope you have a fab weekend!
Life On My Plate
I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!
Accepting/participating is optional, but I hope you do take part in it! 🙂
Oh! Thank you so much, Upasna! I would love to participate. I will pass this award the soonest I can, I promise. 🙂
Selma's Table
How come I haven’t read this page before??? I love that you have been cooking since you were 9 years old! No wonder you are so confident with your recipes! My mum is a terribly tidy cook – when I used to bake as a teenager, she would follow behind me cleaning up – it used to drive me insane to use a measuring cup, put it down and then go to use it again only to find that it had been washed and was drying on the draining board! But it made me a much tidier cook which is a good thing as my kitchen is not very big and would be impossible to cook in if I didn’t clean as I went along! xx
Selma, I found this comment on my spam folder. I don’t have any idea why.
Hmm, I can’t consider myself as a tidy cook. I am more like of a messy cook where you can find flour over the floor or things of that sort. Well, it’s beyond my control. What could I do? Maybe the floor needs a little powder. 😀
Selma's Table
Don’t worry Jhuls, I have been finding lots of real comments in my spam recently – something weird is going on with WP and the filters…xx
I have been catching up with the FF and FFC entries, as well as my blog’s comments for almost 6 hours! Haha! It’s almost 2:30 am, but I am happy doing so. 😀
Selma's Table
Oh my God – Jhuls – go to bed – there is always tomorrow!!! x
This is my last pending comment, Selma! And I (think) I am going to bed after this. 😀 Goodnight, Selma! Really love to team-up with you – thanks to Angie! 🙂 *Hugs*
Jhuls! Hey friend! I am at it again…trying to bring a big smile to your face! I have nominated you for The Beautiful Blogger Award! Here is the link:
I am so happy to give this to you!
P.S. I know you said you were behind on some awards…no rush…hope this doesn’t make you feel overwhelmed!
Thank you so much, Lori. I am working on the previous award you passed on me. Just need to find my nominees. 😉 I’ve got some already. Hopefully, by next week. 😀
I know, they are a lot of work sometimes! 🙂 You are very welcome Jhuls!
Shatarupa @Calorielicious
Jhuls!!! I have nominated you for an award! You can choose to participate if you like 🙂 Check out http://calorielicious.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/many-many-awards/
Yay! Thank you so much for nominating for the Versatile Blogger Award. I am touched. <3 I will be passing the award the soonest I can. Enjoy the day!
Thank you for visiting my blog at The Epicurean Baker! You have some delicious sounding recipes, especially all the desserts with Nutella! I’m going to attempt to make my own Nutella at home, so stay tuned!
Yay! Thank you so much! I’d love to hear your thoughts. 🙂
I am so glad that you stopped by. Hope you have a wonderful week! <3
Aaryne McEvoy
Thank you for stopping by and I am glad that you liked my post on Grandma’s Best Brownies. You have a great blog and passion for cooking!
It’s my pleasure. 🙂 Thanks for visiting back. Have a wonderful day/night to you!
Dear Jhuls,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love your fun, creative and all-encompassing food blog and I definitely love the fact that you celebrate being a “messy cook” as I consider myself a member of that club…my mom is the kind of person who washes every pot and pan as she goes alone (she even wipes down every spice jar after she uses it…OCD right?) but I kind of find it exhilarating looking at my hurricane of a kitchen after my cooking fiascos lol….I look forward to following your blog and sharing on your cooking adventures 🙂
I really celebrate being a messy cook. I think cleaning every pot immediately after using is kinda boring. 😀 Of course, I still do the cleaning, but after I finished my cooking/baking session or while waiting for the food to be cooked. 😉
Thank you so much for following my blog and I’m looking forward to following yours as well. 🙂
Sinfully Tempting
You have a wonderful blog, I am so happy I stumbled across it! 🙂
Thank you so much! I will check yours in a while. Thank you so much for following my blog! Have a wonderful week. <3
Hi! Found your blog via Dimple’s! Lovely! 🙂
Hello! 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by and for following my blog! I am looking forward to following yours. Have a lovely week. <3
Just had a browse through your blog and I love it!!! Great photos, great food…looking forward to following you! Thanks to Dimple of course! ☺️
Thank you so much for checking out my blog as well. Looking forward to following you, too! 🙂
Jhuls…..guess who!? 😉 Here to say that I so appreciate how you always stop by my blog, comment, like, and give me encouragement! So glad to have met you! The Dragon’s Loyalty Award for you….
Awww!! Just came to see what’s going on at WordPress and here’s what I found – thank you so much, Lori!! That’s really so sweet and kind of you! Hmmp! I received the same award and I was gonna pass that to you! <3
You are very welcome Jhuls!! And that is so super sweet that you already received it and had planned on passing it on to me. 🙂 Thank you for the thought!!
You are very much welcome, too! 😉
Thankyou very much for my award! I am new to blogging so I will work it all out as soon as I can but it was really lovely of you to award my new blog. Can’t stop reading yours at the moment!
You are very much welcome! 😉
I just found your blog and I love it!!! You have such great recipes and I can’t wait to try some of them out 🙂 Keep up the awesome work!
Thank you so much for the nice words and encouragement. I am glad you stopped by. 🙂 Have a fabulous day and enjoy the rest of the weekend! 🙂
Heena Rathore P.
Hi Jhuls! Thanks for visiting my page and all the likes dear! Really appreciate! I went through your lovely blog and loved it! I love your desserts <3
I am also an avid reader. I think you might like my other blog as well http://www.thereadingbud.wordpress.com
Its not much as I've just started it, but I look forward to develop it in the coming days 🙂
Stay connected 😀
Hey, Heena! Thanks for checking my blog back. I really appreciate it and I am thrilled to know that you love to read as well. I will definitely check your other blog. 😉 Have a pleasant day!
Jhuls! Guess what?! I am here to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award! 🙂 I knew you would be so excited about this! Here is the link:
Congrats to you! 🙂
Ohhhh!! Thank you so much, Lori! This is my first time to get nominated for this award, I am so thrilled and much more excited to pass it! <3 I will check it out and pass it the soonest! 🙂 Enjoy the rest of the weekend and keep making mess – it's fun!! 😀 <3
I knew you would be so excited! I had checked your award list, hoping you hadn’t gotten this one yet…I secretly was hoping to be the first to give it to you! 🙂
Well I can guarantee that I will keep making a mess…hahaha! 🙂
First awards really seem to be unforgettable. 😀 Thanks again, Lori. I am still working on the seven facts. Haha! I did have given a lot so I need to think of new seven. 😀 Wishing you a lovely day! <3
Hehehe….I know, a new 7 facts is kind of hard! You can do it! 🙂 You are so so welcome Jhuls! I wanted to give you a big smile and seems like I have achieved that! Yay! 🙂
I know that feeling about smiles! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Enjoy the day, Lori! <3
Thanks! Its night night time for me! 🙂 Sleepy girl. 🙂 Talk with you tomorrow, I am sure!
What time with you now? Sweet dreams, Lori. 🙂
I think it might have been 11 pm….can’t remember now. 🙂
I missed you, Lori. 🙂
I nominated you for the Liebster Award!
This is amazing! Thank you so much!! I shall be passing the award soon. 🙂
Desserts For Sharing
Thank you for stopping by my blog! All of your likes brought a smile to my day. =) I enjoyed scrolling through your blog. I’m always in need of more dinner ideas so I’m looking forward to seeing more.
It’s my pleasure! You have an awesome dessert, wanna bring some on Fiesta Friday? 🙂 It’s a lovely and fun virtual party, if you are not aware. More details on the host’s blog, Angie – thenovicegardener.wordpress.com
For the dinner ideas, I just posted one for Fiesta Friday. Maybe you’d love to check it out. Have a lovely day to you! 🙂 xx
Thank you SO MUCH for all the “likes” on my blog; I am so happy 🙂
That visit led me to your blog, and it makes me even happier to have found yours. 🙂
Thank you so much for visiting back. I appreciate it much. 🙂
I have to say that you have an amazing blog and obviously, amazing photos. 😀 Have a wonderful day to you!
you are SO KIND. Have a wonderful day as well 😀
I’m so glad you checked out my blog or I would have never seen yours! It seems we have a lot in common, which is one of the amazing things about blogging, and the internet in general. You suddenly find out that you’re not so crazy different as you thought you were. At least that’s how it’s been for me. 🙂 I’m not a professional anything, but I love the adventure of it all! I look forward to reading more of your blog. Have a wonderful day!
Wow! Thank you so much for these wonderful words. I really appreciate it. 🙂 xx
Also, thanks for following my blog. Looking forward to your new posts, too. Have a wonderful day to you as well. 😉
I am so glad you stopped by my blog! By the way, I love that you said that you are still a messy cook! Hahaha….you should see some of my posts on my blog under “Behind the Scenes.” Let’s just say that I am like a tornado in the kitchen! 🙂
I think we all are. And I am also like a tornado when in the kitchen. 😀
Btw, I went to check out your blog but I did not see any post. Is there something wrong?
Hmmm….that’s weird. How about I give you the link. I think if you click on my picture it goes to some weird place for some reason. creatingbeautyinthekitchen.wordpress.com
Here is one of the particular posts I was talking about that I thought would give you a good laugh:
Sorry, I forgot to leave a comment that I found your blog already. The link I had was maybe the old one? Anyway, I saw some photos and saw the mess in the kicthen, lol! Don’t worry, you are not alone. 😀 Especially when I’m chasing the time, my kitchen ends up like yours! 😉
Ok, glad you found it! 🙂 SO glad I am not alone….my hubby is a patient man with all my mess, and very gracious to often clean it for me…hehehe.
Awww! That’s so sweet. 🙂 Then, too bad for me as I am also the one cleaning up my mess! Haha!
Hehehe! 😉
Wow.. Amazing blog! I super love the recipes…. ^_^
Thank you so much! 🙂
I am so glad I found your blog through Fiesta Fridays. I keep seeing your avatar “Jhuls” and my mother’s name is Jean Hulse and it makes me think of her . . . like your mother was, mine is an unbelievable cook. I can’t wait to make the turmeric beef with coconut love . . . what a lovely story and may your mom rest in peace. Great blog!
Aww! Thank you so much for this message! I really appreciate it. When you make the beef, please let me know your thoughts. Have a lovely weekend! 🙂 xx
Thanks for visiting my blog Jhuls. Your blog looks lovely with so many delicious recipes that I will explore slowly. I am especially intrigued by your filipino recipes.
Thank you for visiting back and following my blog. I appreciate it much. Have a lovely day to you! 🙂 xx
Hi, thanks for liking my blog, led me to yours. Now, I’m following it, hope to interact more virtually!
I appreciate you visiting back and for following my little blog. Looking forward to our new conversations. 😉 Have a lovely day! xx
kloesunny @ kloeskitchen.wordpress.com
Thanks for liking and commenting on my blog! I love yours too and now I am following it!
~Kloesunny ♥
Yay! Thanks a lot. I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts. Nice to meet you, Kloesunny! 😉 xx
Hello Jhuls,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog.Your blog is superb, I love your recipes and your beautiful pictures. Can’t wait to see more of your recipes. Have a lovely day 🙂
Yay! Thanks a lot for the compliment. 😀 Have a lovely day to you, too!
Hi! You have a lovely style in your food blog. Glad you liked one of my posts, or I wouldn’t have found you.
Well, you have beautiful photos. <3 And amazing blog as well. Thank you for following my blog. Have a lovely day. 😉
Hi, Jhuls! Thanks for following my blog as well as liking my posts. I really appreciate it. I can’t wait to check out yours. Have a great weekend. 🙂
No worries. 😉 You have an amazing blog. 😀 xx I would love to check more of your posts. Have a lovely weekend.
Jhuls, you are so kind. Thank you, but my blog still needs improvement. 😀
Feel free to explore my blog. I’m sure you’ll find something that will catch your interest.
Have a great week. 🙂
I will. 😉 xx
So glad to see you have rediscovered a love of books!
Yes – thanks to Twilight! 😀 After that, the bookworm in me came out. Thanks for stopping by. 😉
I think Twilight had a big impact on the reader I am today as well. 🙂 I think if I hadn’t discovered it I may not have become as enthusiastic about reading, even though Stephenie Meyer gets a lot of criticism.
I feel the same about that. 🙂
Rhonda Sittig
You’ve hit on my two favorite past times– cooking and reading!! (and eating is right up there as well). Fun to find your blog!
Amazing past times, right? 😀 Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely weekend.
Hi Jhuls, I just wanted to say thank you for recently stopping by my blog. It is so nice to meet you! I have enjoyed looking at your blog. We have a love of reading in common, as well as a love for cooking. I look forward to seeing more of your book recommendations and recipes in the future!
Thank you for checking out mine and for following, too. It’s so nice to meet you. And I am so glad that you love to read as well. See you around. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. 😉 xx
Hi there! I’d like to nominate you for The Sunshine Award. The award is given to blogs that are considered “positive, creative and inspiring.” If you wish you take part, you can find the rules on my blog here:- http://bakewithmeblog.wordpress.com/2014/01/24/the-sunshine-award/
Congratulations! 🙂
Wow! Thank you so much! I am so grateful to receive this award. Have a nice weekend. 😉
Jhuls, I really love your blog and I think you’re an awesome person so I wanted to nominate you for the Dragon’s Loyalty award! Participation is totally optional, but if you’re interested here’s a link to the instructions: http://dormroombaker.com/2014/01/13/dragons-loyalty-award/
Yay! Thank you so much for thinking of me – I feel so honored. 😀 xx I will pass the award soon. Have a wonderful day!
My Year of Cupcakes
I am a huge fan of your blog. So, I nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. If you’re interested, check it out:
Oh! Thank you so much and I am so honored. I will pass the award soon. Enjoy the weekdays and happy baking! 😉
Ada ~ More Food, Please
Hi Jhuls! I nominated you for the Shine On Award!
P.S. I love the new look of your blog!
Thank you so much, Ada! What a surprise on the first day of 2014. I will pass the award anytime soon. Hope you’re having a fabulous day! xx
Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my recent post!
You’re welcome. 😀
Simple Abode
I am so glad I stumbled on to your blog! You have amazing recipes and beautiful photos. <3
Thank you for the nice comments and thank you for following my blog. You have a beautiful blog, too. 😉 Have a lovely weekend.
Thank you for stopping by my blog, it’s great to find others that get excited by cookbooks too!
Oh! Don’t mention it. Your blog is cute! 😉 Thank you for checking out and following mine, too. Hope you’re having an amazing day!
Hi there, I love your blog and your photos are beautiful! Keep up the good work 🙂
Thank you for the kind words and for following my blog. I appreciate it. Have a lovely weekend! 😉
Ada ~ More Food, Please
Hi Jhuls! I nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! Participation is optional. I just wanted to express my appreciation for your support and your blog!
Oh! I am so honored, Ada! Thanks a lot!! Definitely, I would participate. 😉
Hi dear, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the WordPress Family Award, because I consider you as part of my WordPress family. Participation is voluntary of course 😉 Thanks & hugs, Sylvia
Here is the link for it:
Oh! Thank you so much, Sylvia! I am so glad that I have found a family here at WordPress. I’ll pass it soon. 😉 xx
You are so welcome dear 😉 No hurry to pass it on, just when you have time, I know it’s a bit time consuming. So happy to have found you in the blogging world! 😉
Haha! I know, right? It’s time consuming but it’s fun. I am glad, too, to have new friends. 😉 Have a great week. xx
I love your blog and I am passing along the Blog of the Year 2013 Award to you. As usual, participation is optional. If interested, please visit this link: http://fooddaydreaming.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/awards/
Oh! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I will post it, eventually. 😉 Thanks again.
You’ve already done one so I figure you’re off the hook 😉
Two lovely bloggers passed me the award after the first one I posted. So I decided to put the ‘Blog of the Year’ award received from the three of you at the end of the month. 😉
Clever girl! I may update my banner pic for this one but I don’t think I’ll be doing it again… But as you said, there’s no obligation 🙂
Haha! Yes, no obligation. I have 3 Liebster award, pending, and I’ll also do it by next week. I’m quite busy these days but I have answered all the questions, haha. I made a draft. 😉 Thanks again for the award. xx
Hi Jhuls – your blog is so lovely that i’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award! http://wp.me/p3TWPY-bG
Aww! Thank you so much for this award and for following my blog. I will definitely accept the award and pass it on. 🙂
Awesome blog!
Thank you so much. 😉
Hey Jhuls! I just love your blog and that’s why…
I have nominated you!
Much love D x
Thank you so much for thinking of me. I really appreciate it. Will pass it later on. xx Have a nice day.
Fae's Twist & Tango
Just a quick note Sweetheart… I wish all is well with all your family members, and people of The Philippines are in my prayers. Hugs,
Thank you so much, Fae. That’s so thoughtful and sweet of you. All my family members are safe. Alhamdulillah! My prayers goes out to all the affected families. 🙁
thank you very much for following my blog. i really appreciate it and hope you have a lot of fun!
No worries. Have a lovely day! 😉
love your filpino recipes! awesome blog!
Thank you! 😉
Ada ~ More Food, Please
Thanks for visiting my blog! I am loving all your food and book posts 😀
Yay! Thanks! I am so delighted to know that! 😉 xx
Great advice and great Blog 🙂 !
Nice to see you here, Marie. Thanks a lot for checking out and following my blog. 😉
Fae's Twist & Tango
Congratulations, Jhuls! You have been awarded:
– Very Inspiring Blog Award
I do not expect any action to be taken, or for you to generate a post (unless you wish to pass on the award nominations). Nevertheless, your blog has been awarded at: http://fae-magazine.com/2013/08/28/award-august-2013-part-2/
Enjoy your Award! 😀 Fae.
What a nice surprise!!! Thanks lot again, Fae. I could not thank you enough for the awards that you have bestowed me. 🙂 I will definitely gonna share my awards to other bloggers. Have a nice day!!
Fae's Twist & Tango
Congratulations! You have been awarded:
Best Moment Award
Sunshine Award
Versatile Blogger Award
I do not expect any action to be taken, or for you to generate a post (unless you wish to pass on the award nominations). Nevertheless, your blog has been awarded at:
Enjoy your Award! 😀 Fae.
Thanks a lot, Fae! I really appreciate these awards! I haven’t noticed that this message haven’t been replied – but it’s better late than never. 🙂 Have a lovely day, Fae! xx 🙂
You have such a lovely blog with so many great recipes!
Thank you again for stopping by my little spot in the blogosphere.
Have a super day.
😉 Mandy
Thanks to you for stopping by and checking out my blog. Have a nice day, Mandy. 🙂
we are all simple people who love to cook, so don’t worry!
I was not confident enough with my cooking before I started this blog. But I am now. Thanks to you and to others for appreciating what I have here. 🙂
Hey Jhuls, thank you for checking out my blog! Your blog is really lovely.. I’m also a book fiend like you! Your book collection seems very similar to mine.. So glad we share passion for reading & cooking!
It’s a pleasure to meet you! Following you back in return! Happy blogging! 🙂
Thanks a lot, Riddhi. I still have lots of book but I don’t know how can I finish them all, haha! Thanks for checking out my blog, too. 🙂
Hello Jhuls, I just wanted to say thanks to you for visiting my little patch of the internet. Your site is really lovely… it’s always such a pleasure to meet others who are passionate about cooking as I am. Following you back in return! x
Oh! Thanks a lot, Laura! I appreciate the visit and the compliment. It really is a pleasure. Will wait for the updates from you. 🙂
You have a very inspiring and beautiful blog! I look forward to your next post with more recipes and book recommendations! All the best and happy baking – cooking – and reading 🙂
Thanks a lot for the beautiful words and for following my blog. 🙂 Have a pleasant day.
Hello Jhuls,
love your blog and nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger award at http://rabbitcancook.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/awards-awards-awards/, as always participation is an optional and only if you want to pass the torch to others. Looking forward for more awesome post from yours.
Thank you so much for the nomination. It means a lot that you appreciate what I post here. 🙂
Vicki Wolfson
You are very sweet, it’s a pleasure to meet you. The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom was wonderful, I read all his Spiritual books, I think he has sports books too. I will have to learn from your cooking =)
Thank you. I think that’s one of the traits I have if somebody would ask my closest friends, haha! I also love his books and I’ve read them except for The Time Keeper. One book is coming out and I’m looking forward to that.
Please let me know if you have tried some of the recipes I posts here. And thanks for following me. 🙂 I love to eat as much as I love to lose weight. I hope I could do both. 😀 Have a nice weekend.
Vicki Wolfson
Thank you, I hope your weekend is amazing 🙂
Can’t wait to follow your cooking adventures!
Oh! Thanks a lot, Ally!! It means a lot. 🙂
omg read the fault in our stars!!!!!!!!! and go finish THG trilogy!!!!! have you seen the Catching Fire trailer?
Haha! Ok Ok I will read it this week and finish the Mocking Jay, too. 😀
Yes, I have seen the trailer. I can’t wait for November!!!!