Corned Beef Pandesal - The Not So Creative Cook
I am not so very adventurous when it comes to creating recipes. Thus the blog name ‘The Not So Creative Cook’. I am always afraid to try new things. Maybe I’ll be up to face some challenges, but it takes time. I always have this feeling that I might mess up the traditional way of serving them. You know what I mean? I know it is fun and nice to have a twist on a classic or traditional recipe, but if I am making them myself, I get a little anxious. Pandesal is a kind of bread I grew up with. We usually enjoy it by dunking it in coffee or with eggs and/or cheese. The whole family loves Pandesal, but not the idea of using canned corned beef as a filling. I do. Sometimes, I get a small portion of canned corned beef from my share to use it as a filling. I never knew that you could fill the Pandesal before baking. Ha! Where have I been? See? I am sticking to traditions. Or maybe I just prefer my canned corned beef with fried rice rather than bread. 😀 In this recipe, I used a canned corned beef. It is not too healthy, I know. You could use homemade or store-bought. You may season or cook the corned beef however you like it. I just cooked mine in oil with onions. After this recipe, I think I will be more confident in making Pandesal with other fillings. Hmmm, I wonder what’s the next one will be. I hope you like these version. 😉 I am taking these with me at Fiesta Friday #217. Our co-hosts this week are Abbey and guess who?? Yay! It’s Angie!! 😀 Thanks, ladies!! Happy Fiesta Friday! Pandesal, now filled with sautéed corned beef. These make a perfect breakfast or snack. I am also bringing these at Happiness is Homemade | What’s for Dinner? | Mix it up Monday | Melt in your Mouth Monday | Cook Once Eat Twice | Baking Crumbs | What’d You Do This Weekend? | Totally Terrific Tuesday | Cook Blog Share | Recipe of the Week | Delicious Dishes Recipe Party | Please follow and like us:
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook