Hot Chocolate Cookies - The Not So Creative Cook
Cookies flavored with instant hot chocolate with marshmallows and espresso chocolate chunks. Thin and chewy. Perfect with milk, hot chocolate or coffee. It is that time of the year again – a time to clean up the pantry. Not literally clean like general cleaning, but getting rid of the stuff that are close to their expiry date. Hot chocolate mix. Yeah, I know. How come I let hot chocolate mix stayed in the pantry for too long? I don’t know. Maybe I completely forgot about them knowing that I couldn’t indulge them during Whole30? And I did general cleaning, literally this time. And found packets of instant hot chocolate mix. I ran to Google for help. After bumping into many recipes, this one caught my attention. I just changed some of the ingredients to use what I had on hand. So imagine this – cookies flavored with hot chocolate with gooey marshmallow and espresso chocolate chunks. I used espresso chocolate coz that’s what I had. I must say that the cookies turned out pretty amazing – they are slightly thin and chewy. Even a friend who doesn’t love cookies *insert rolling eyes*, loved these. I am bringing these at Fiesta Friday #195. Thanks to Angie and our co-hosts, Monika and Sandhya. I am also sharing these at What’s for Dinner? | Happiness is Homemade | Mix it up Monday | Melt in your Mouth Monday | What’d You Do This Weekend? | Totally Terrific Tuesday | Recipe of the Week | Cook Blog Share | Treat Petite | Featured at What’d You Do This Weekend #247 Please follow and like us:
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook