Chiffon Cake - The Not So Creative Cook
A divinely delicious cake – light as air, fluffy as the fluffiest pillow and oh so moist. Chiffon Cake is one of the things that brings back my childhood memories. I grew up eating this cake – from the bakery or from my Mom’s. Having this cake for New Year’s Day has become a tradition until my Mom passed away. I’ve always wanted to make this cake, but I don’t have a tube pan. I never thought of getting one and I don’t know why. When I visited my old home, I saw two tube pans while cleaning up the cupboard and I took one with me. The main reason why I took it is I just want to have something that belonged to my Mom. And let’s admit it that it is much better to use your Mom’s stuffs – you know, from generation to another generation. The tube pan stayed hidden for more than a year until I decided to use it for this New Year’s Chiffon Cake. I made this cake during the night (with no good light), not knowing that I would share this gorgeous, so delicious cake with you. When I started smelling it and got to taste it, the first thing I thought was ‘This cake is worth sharing.‘ I had a funny experience when I made this cake: While placing the batter inside the tube pan, my finger kept hitting those pointy-something and I talked to my self annoyingly like ‘What in the world are these for?‘ I know that you need to invert the pan when you make this kind of cake, so I used a cup so the surface would not touch the cake. Then my cousin told me: Cousin: You know what? You don’t need that cup because you have those three little things around. And I was like: Me: Huh? What are you talking about? Cousin: Those three little things’ job is for you not to use a cup or bottle, you can invert the tube pan and with their help, the surface would not touch the top of the cake. I.Just.Paused.A.Moment. I just wanted to slap my forehead (like what my Mom used to do when she feels she have done something that makes her look like crazy or out of her mind). Me: Ohhhh!! How come I didn’t know that? I was annoyingly talking to these things a while ago saying that they are so annoying and they don’t do any help to me and kept hitting my sore, chubby finger. And she just laughed and I looked like funny! 😀 And back to the cake, This cake is insanely good. It’s fluffy, spongy and light as air. And oh so moist. I loved this cake a lot. I loved it long before, but I loved it more now knowing that I can make it anytime I want. I am a frosting kind of girl and I’m all about ‘happy’ cakes and all. But this cake is something I HAVE TO BAKE EVERY MONTH. (Not every week, I’d die whipping the egg whites. Give me a break you chubby tummy.) I hope you try this cake and let me know what you think. Wishing you a day full of smiles! 😀 😀 😀 PS: In case you are wondering, what’s the deal with that pasta and this cake, we (Filipinos) love the combination – you know, like toasted bread and pasta. 😀 I am taking this delicious cake at Fiesta Friday #104 at the Angie’s place and our co-hosts for this week are Mila and Hilda. Thank you, beautiful people.
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook