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From Selma’s Table: Gorgeous Tiny Cheese Muffins

Selma @ Selma’s Table was one of my first blogging buddies. I found her full of encouraging and supportive words. Selma not only shared her recipes, but she shared lots of love and support to each and every one of us. Her passing is such a difficult thing for us to take. I don’t even know if we’ll get used to it. It’s just too much to take. I didn’t know that you’d terribly miss someone you didn’t even met or didn’t even talked to (verbally). I didn’t know that you’d spend lots of tears for the same person.


It’s been a long time since I wanted to make something from her recipes, but for one reason or another, it kept on delaying. Just few weeks ago, I was planning to make two of her recipes for my Versions & Verdicts series and I was so much excited for her to see it and know what she thinks. This only made me regret for not making them sooner.

For my first version from Selma’s Table (or should I also call her recipes ‘The Best of Selma’s Table), I made her Gorgeous Tiny Cheese Muffins – they are very cute and very easy to make.

Other than that, they are very good for lunch boxes and they are delicious. I just got very excited with Parmigiano, so I overtopped them with it, forgetting how salty it is. Nonetheless, they are a hit inside my tummy. Thank you, Selma.

This can also be chopped and added to omelet with veggies. Also, this can be slightly toasted and added to soups – tomato soup will be the best.

Since, I did not change anything apart from using spring onions instead of parsley and completely forgot that I needed parmesan instead of parmigiano cheese, I am directing you to Selma’s post.


To join in Selma’s Tribute, there are no strict rules, but it will be nice to note the following:

You can link up your posts on Angie’s Fiesta Friday, Elaine’s Food Bod, Sue’s Birgerbird and here on The Not So Creative Cook (link below).

Aside from re-creating Selma’s recipes, I have also created a page for my letters to Selma, you might want to take a look.

I have also created a badge that can be found in my sidebar which directs readers to Selma’s Table. You can grab it and place it on your sidebar or anywhere you want to place it, if you desire to.

Thank you so much for spending time with me today.

PS: Whether you know Selma or not, I am asking for at least one minute of your time to offer a prayer for her and for her loved ones she left behind.


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