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The Versatile Blogger Award

After a long day at work, reading notifications from Instagram and WordPress always makes me feel better. I may not be able to reply everyone immediately, but please be ensured that I always read your message. I can’t thank everyone enough for the never ending support and love.

Thank you for always being so thoughtful to nominate me for various awards even though you know that it’s impossible for me to pass them quickly.

Today is a lucky day as I am able to pass this ‘Versatile Award’ I received from Shatarup @Calorielicious (on May 11) and Upasna @Life on my Plate  (on May 17). I am so grateful to these two lovely bloggers for passing the award to me and for thinking that I deserve to awarded.

Moving on with the award, I give you another set of seven random facts about me:


  1. I am very bad at proofreading. I do my best to check for any missing words (for how many times) before I click publish, but I always see mistakes when it’s already published.
  2. English was my favorite subject when I was in school. Although my grammar is not that good, I LOVE LOVE to write. 😀
  3. I am the eldest – I have four sisters and three brothers. Big family, huh?
  4. I have a pillow named ‘Aury’ – that’s a shortcut for Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.
  5. Aside from Aury, I have ‘Dora the Explorer’ pillow and I always hug it when I go to bed. But when it’s hot, I throw Dora over my head. (Ooopps! Sorry, Dora!)
  6. When I do some errands, I always try to manage my time. Let’s say from 9AM to 11AM: clean the room; 11 AM to 12 NOON: do the laundry; 12 NOON – 1:30 PM take a shower and eat lunch. Then after taking the lunch, it’s up to me if I’ll proceed with some more or let myself rest for a while. Most definitely, I will be up with something by 4 PM.
  7. Since February, I have not spent one whole day without running some errands during weekends. Meaning, I haven’t had my ‘ME TIME’ for months. And with loads of work for the past months, I BADLY need at least one whole day without anything to do – I need to have my ‘lazy day’. (Oh, lazy days… I’ve missed you so!)

I hope I did not bore you with those. 😀

And for the nominees, it’s my pleasure to pass the ‘Versatile Award’ to these wonderful bloggers. CONGRATULATIONS!

Prairie Palate 
The Blog Around The Corner 
The Introverted Chilli 
Sinfully Tempting
Miss Marzipan
My Simple Delights
Sweet & Savoury By Shailja 
Cheer Germ
Flour and Spice
Kitchen Feasts
Sweet Sour Moments
Eclectic odds n sods 
Indu’s International Kitchen
Chitra’s Healthy Kitchen
Baking Flavours

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated me
  2. Include a link to their blog
  3. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award
  4. Share 7 random things about myself

CONGRATULATIONS again to the nominees. And again, thank you, Shatarupa and Upasna. If you haven’t checked them out yet, you better do as they offer many amazing recipes. 😀

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