One Lovely Blog Award #1

Receiving an award has never been so exciting especially when you receive an award for the first time. I was overjoyed when the funny and lovely Lori of Creating Beauty in the Kitchen nominated me on April 12 for ‘One Lovely Blog Award’. Thank you so much, Lori, for thinking that my blog is lovely. Isn’t that the meaning of this award? 😀 Anyway, Lori is such a sweetheart. It’s so much fun chatting with her. I really enjoy talking to her. She is a beauty inside and out. <3


Moving on with the rules, I have to share another seven facts about me. Is it possible to run out of facts about yourself? Or you just don’t notice that there are so many things about you that you don’t quite see? I told Lori that when I do remember some funny stuff about me, I will immediately pass this award. So here they are:

  1. If you can remember about me my love for smelling marshmallows, well, not only marshmallows. When I want to eat pancakes, for example, but I cannot make them due to some nonsense reasons, I go to the pantry and smell pancake syrup. Another thing, if I cook something and I am off limits from that food for the day, I smell it a million few times. 😀
  2. I love staring at the beautiful moon. When I am already in bed and about to sleep and I see the moon outside the window, I get up and open the curtain just to see the moon and stare for a minute or so.
  3.  I can iron clothes for hours and I love doing it in a standing position. Don’t ask – I just love doing it. Tiring, I know!
  4. When I am at home and really starving, all I want to eat is sunny side up… that’s with runny yolk and crisp edges.
  5. Grating cheese is not really a favorite of mine. For me, it’s a boring thing to do. So is frying! 😛
  6. I have mentioned before that I like the combination of Nutella and cream cheese and some thought it was weird. Well, I have another one – recently, I just discovered that I love fried chicken dipped into strawberry jam. 😀
  7. When my favorite movie is coming out in the big screen, I use to separate cash for it to make sure that I will never use that for something else. No saved cash, no movie! That’s a lot of crying for me!

And the best thing about awards, passing them to others – CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  1. Shivaay Delights – Well, if you don’t Dimple, then you have lost something precious! She is such a lovely and happy woman. She shares not only her recipes, but also her smile to us.
  2. Fae’s Twist and Tango – Ahh! I missed this woman so much! Fae is such a talented and adorable person. She lifts up your spirit through her encouragement and very inspiring comments.
  3. Butter Basil and Breadcrumbs – I love how Prudy makes me smile through the stories behind her recipes. I always enjoy them.
  4. Patty Nguyen – Bailey… Oppps! I mean Patty has beyond amazing recipes and photos. When she smiles, she smiles also through her eyes. I also look forward to seeing Bailey on her posts. 😀
  5. Food Bod – Another lovely person – Elaine. She always reminds me to put a smile on my face. She’s a lovely person and she shares amazing healthy recipes. I think I should ask her to teach me how to eat healthy!
  6. The Novice Gardener – Don’t tell me you don’t know the Angie – the awesome host of Fiesta Friday. Angie has always been so kind and welcoming to those who join the Fiesta. She shares amazing stories and recipes… and beautiful photos. Haven’t been to the Fiesta? Well, join us during Fridays! It’s so much fun!
  7. Biscuits n Crazy – Jessica has such a lovely blog. She has so many amazing recipes that I want to try. Her recipes always make my mouth water. 😛

Thanks again, Lori… and CONGRATULATIONS to the nominees! <3

The rules for the award:

  1. Add the “One Lovely Blog Award” image to your post
  2. Share seven things about you.
  3. Pass the award on to seven nominees.
  4. Thank the person who nominated you.
  5. Inform the nominees by posting on their blogs.
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