The Versatile Award #2 - The Not So Creative Cook
Blogging is not completely an easy thing to do – you cook, take pictures and write. I mean it takes a lot of your time. It’s not that easy but it is fun – so much fun, especially when you get in touch with people. I love chatting with people and like I said, I don’t mind waking up in the middle of the night to reply to messages/comments. And when I want to cook, I try to make sure that it’s something new so I have something new to share. 😀 Receiving an award is another thing that makes a blogger so much happy. So I am so delighted to receive ‘The Versatile Blogger’ from my almost-everyday commenter, Dimple of shivaaydelights. Everyone is dear to me. And for The Versatile Award, I pass the award to: The rules are to Display the award certificate on your blog Link back to the person who nominated you Present 15 awards to 15 deserving bloggers Inform your nominees that you have nominated them Write 7 random facts about yourself My 7 random facts: Just before going to sleep at night, I go to my usual routine which is watching YouTube videos. I love to watch cooking channels, movie trailers and anything about movies. I enjoy buying something for myself or someone else. I love clothes, books, kitchen stuffs, slippers, etc. I love to enter random kitchen and furniture shops just to look around. I like Durian Shakes made with fresh Durian meat with milk, sugar and ice. I love Durian candies and the like, too. But not the fruit itself. I love to see live shows, especially musical shows, like the one in Universal Studios. When I want to eat bread, I don’t know which spread to use as I have more than five in the fridge/pantry. Haha! I always spend a lot of time to think. Like it should be planned few hours before if I want to eat bread. I can’t tolerate amusement park rides at all. I always remember the scenes in the ‘Final Destination’ movie when I see the rides. I think that’s what I get in watching scary movies. Can I add this last one? I AM DYING TO SEE CATCHING FIRE in a few days!! 😀 Haha! Sorry, friends. I am just so excited. Thank you once again, Dimple, for passing me this award. *hugs!* Please follow and like us:
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook