Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip Cookies - The Not So Creative Cook
So, after I gained my confidence in baking, I listed what I wanted to bake and cookies is one of them. I searched through the internet and found so many cookies recipes. I’d love to try cookies with white chocolate chips since I want to put mine to use before its expiry date. When I go to a store to buy my stocks for cooking and baking, I tend to buy more than what I have on my list. The ending? More foods stock up and later, I’ll have to think what to do with those when expiry date is coming. Ugh! It’s so good to see your kitchen shelves or your food storage box with LOTS of stocks, especially CHOCOLATES!! When I saw this recipe on Cooking Classy, I had no second thought of trying it. They look so gorgeous! I’ve eaten three cookies before I took a photo of this that’s why my milk is about to finish. 😀 Please follow and like us:
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook