Tricky Tuesday #24: Making Time For Your Blog - The Not So Creative Cook
You might ask yourself ‘Seriously? A post about tips on making time for your blog from a blogger who has been MIA for months?’ And my answer is a big fat YES! 😀 I was on my way from work yesterday, the minions inside my brain were debating with each other on what to post after long months of being MIA for the Tricky Tuesdays series. One genius minion came up with this one. And the others were like ‘Seriously’? See – I want to share something different than my usual shares before in which the post could also be a reminder for me more than anyone else… and this is what my genius minion suggested. Good one, I think. 🙂 For me, there are bloggers who blogs whenever they can and there are bloggers who badly wants to blog even if they have tight schedule. Count me on the latter. Making time for your blog may be difficult at times. But I believe that it’s all about priorities. So as I go on with the tips, I will share you my own, uh can I call it experiences? Okay, let’s do this… Make a Schedule Some of us are full-time workers and some of us are not. Either way, we are all busy with something. Making a schedule for your blog might help. As for me, I didn’t have one until recently. I was using office’s laptop and I didn’t (and still don’t) have my own. So I could say that I am blogging from work or only during the weekends when I take the laptop with me. But weekends means laundry, relaxing and lots of stuffs… so good luck with the blogging time. Few months back, my cousin got her own laptop which I must admit that I am the one who mostly use it because of my blog. So resting a little after work, I try to open my blog and do my thing. Time Yourself So here comes time management. I could say that I was very good when it comes to time management. I mostly time everything I do – 2 hours for laundry, 1 hour for ironing clothes, 2 hours organizing/cleaning kitchen stuffs – you name it. And I stick to that time. Until one day, I can’t do it anymore that if I am in a class, I must have probably dropped it. A good friend told me that it is helpful that you time yourself. And I told myself ‘You can do that! You were good at it.’ What I am saying is you divide your time. You can blog an hour or two in a day, depending on how tight your day is. At least make time… and by doing so, you check off some of your ‘to-blog’ list. Prioritize Your Posts Why did I start blogging? The answer is because I wanted to share my recipes and my versions of recipes… and somehow to inspire others. Then blogging buddies came – you learn things and your see how you can inspire and encourage others. Here comes the idea of me having a series called ‘Meet New Bloggers‘. And I thought that ‘Tricky Tuesdays‘ would be somehow useful, so I added it to my blog. Then ‘Versions & Verdicts‘ came… ‘In My Kitchen‘ came… and maybe something else will come. I don’t know. So it is important to know your priorities or let me rephrase that – know what you can do for the day, which doesn’t take that much of your time? or which doesn’t need a lot of thinking? Well, things like that. In my case, my first thing is recipe posts. Why? Because it doesn’t need ‘searching’ like what I do in the ‘Meet New Bloggers‘ series and ‘Tricky Tuesdays‘. Also, in recipe posts, I can do ‘mental blogging’ which I’d discuss in a bit. I also cook/bake during the weekends and all I have to do is take photos, write/edit the recipe and you’re done. Mental Blogging Who does this? 😀 So when I am cooking or baking, I mentally write on what to blah blah blah when I publish the recipe. I do this whenever I can – before going to sleep, while walking from work to home, on the bus and even while I am taking a shower. Whatever I do, mental blogging is always there. Good thing that when my boss asks me, I don’t answer him anything about the blog. 😀 So, you know what I mean, yeah? Plan Ahead Another thing where I am good at – planning! You can have a small notebook or you can write what do you want to cook/bake/post anywhere you want. You can also write topics you want to discuss. As for me, I always plan what I want to cook/bake during the weekends. When I am done cooking/baking, I write down the recipe posts/titles and put them on schedule. So I could tell you that I have few drafts in my mind (yeah, mental blogging) that I need to actually put on the WordPress drafts soon. 😀 So after that, you can make a new plan/schedule. 😉 **** I hope you find this post helpful. How about you? What are you doing to make time for your blog? I’d really love to know. I hope you could share them to us. Leave your comments below. 🙂 Thank you for spending time with me today. Remember – Blogging should be fun and not a burden. Like cooking/baking (or whatever you enjoy doing), blogging should be done with passion. Please follow and like us:
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook