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A Special Fiesta Friday Tribute to Selma


As posted by Angie @ Fiesta Friday:

Some of you have heard of the unbearable news. Nonetheless to the rest who haven’t, it’s no less painful for us to be the bearers of the sad news of a dear friend’s passing. Selma of Selma’s Table, whom we have the honor of calling a sister in spirit, passed away on Saturday July 4th, after losing her battle with cancer.

In losing Selma, we at Fiesta Friday have lost an encouraging supporter and co-host, a loyal advocate, and a true friend who was generous with her time and knowledge.

Selma touched many lives. We know you share the same sentiments about her. We understand that you, too, want to show your appreciation for all that Selma had brought to our community as a whole and to your blogging experience personally.

So amidst our collective grief, but with love and deep admiration, we would like to dedicate a special Fiesta Friday in her honor. We are celebrating Selma, her life and her talents as a writer, a cook, a photographer, and a stylist in a Special Fiesta Friday.


WHAT? It’s a Selma Fiesta. Create a post with Selma in mind.

*Your post can be an anecdote, a poem, or story about or related to Selma.

*Your post can also be about a dish or two that you create using Selma’s recipes.

*Your post can be about a dish/recipe that you create and dedicate to Selma.

*All posts must be linked to Selma’s blog, Selma’s Table.

*You can link as many posts as you like, as long as they’re all Selma-themed and dedicated in her memory.

WHEN? It starts now and it will stay open until everyone has the chance to participate and honor Selma.

WHERE? Fiesta Friday Tribute to Selma is hosted on, as well as on my blog, The Not So Creative Cook, and birgerbird. There will be a link prompt on all 4 blogs.

Link your tribute to Selma. Share with us how or what you do to honor her.”

Please add your link by clicking the ‘Add Your Link’ text below.

Add Your Link

I will publish mine soon. Thank you all so much!!

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