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Meet New Bloggers #39

Happy Monday, Friends. How was your weekend? I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. As for me, its kinda exhausting, but I have managed somehow to watch few episodes of Arrow. I also did some baking which I will share with you very soon. 🙂

But you know why I am really here, yes? To bring you another set of awesome bloggers. 😉


Maple + Butter

Olivia is a lover of all homemade foods – may it be sweet or savoury. Like the others, she writes about her kitchen failures and experiments:

“I wanted to do this because I feel that it serves as an amazing reminder to both myself and anyone who aspires to be a great baker someday – that one bad dish does not define the quality of food you are capable of making!” 

I just love that last part. <3 Olivia, you are the maple + butter to my pancakes. Can I have few slices of your Browned Butter Brownies? 😀

Goodness is Gorgeous

Stacey is a lover of food, wellness and natural health. After diagnosed with a rare illness called Vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, she has been been learning to treat her body with kindness, including eating a plant based diet and gently exercising in the hope of staying well.

“This is a place where I aim to educate others on how to nourish yourself, a place where I share my recipes to show how easy it is to use whole and healthy ingredients to create all kinds of goodness that will love and nurture your body.”

I may not be health concious, but I know that healthy desserts is not always boring just like this very pretty No Bake Coffee and Walnut Cake.

Gluten Free Bakes and Bites

P has been diagnosed as Coeliac. She loves to eat and bake, and now revelling in learning this all over again as she adapts to a gluten free diet. She also wants to inspire others:

“If my experiences help any other gluten free dieters out there along the way, then that’s all the better!”

While P is insiring others, let me just enjoy this ‘Breggfast‘ of hers. 😉

A Cupcake for Love

Parvathy just started cooking when she found out that her husband is a complete foodie just like her. She loves baking, travelling and photography, too.

“Color, texture, aroma, quality, nutrition and the very experience of not just creating but also enjoying the feeling of sharing such a delightful journey is what food means to me.”

And speaking of aroma, this Indo/Chinese Style Chili Chicken makes me want to get a cup or two of rice right away. 😀

Flavorful Bakes

From the blog name itself, you could say that Ranjana loves something flavourful and at the same time, she loves to bake.

“You could say that I am baking obsessed. I believe that nothing can replace the satisfaction of flipping that cake from its pan to realize that it has baked perfectly, to stand back and adore the cake that you painstakingly ‘decorated to perfection’ or savoring those baked samosas without the guilt that’s usually attached to them.”

Ranjana is a vegetarian, too. One of the dishes that caught my attention are these Vegan Zucchini Onion Fritters. Yum! 😀


I hope you have time to visit these amazing blogs. Enjoy the week. 😉

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