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In My Kitchen ā€“ April 2015

Hello, dear friends. Again, welcome to my kitchen where you could see new stuffs I bought/given to me.

Once again, thank you to Celia @ Fig Jam and Lime Cordial for hosting In My Kitchen every month. This month, she has so many lovely stuffs in her kitchen. Come and visit her blog to see those. šŸ˜‰

Now, let me bring you to mineā€¦

In my kitchen is a food processorā€¦

Years back, my friend bought a DSLR camera with free food processor. She asked me if I want to take the food processor and I said ā€˜Noā€™ and I told her to give it to her Mom. I was not baking that time and my blog doesnā€™t exist yet. But my first reason of not taking it was I didnā€™t know what to do with it. My desire to buy a food processor did not arrive until I started a blog.

Wanna know whatā€™s the first thing I made with it? Elaineā€™s Red Pepper Hummus. šŸ˜€ I really loved it with salted crackers. Yum! (Elaine, I think mine is too watery. Is it because I used capsicum??)

In my kitchen is a timerā€¦

I mostly use my phone as a timer when I bake. My friend told me to buy a timer, and I told her I am satisfied with my phone, that I donā€™t want it. Recently, I finally gave up and bought a timer. Itā€™s cute, yes?

In my kitchen are these beautiful spatulasā€¦

I have two spatulas already, both having the same color ā€“ grey and white. When I saw these, I just couldnā€™t help myself but to take them home. I told myself that I sometimes ā€˜needā€™ separate spatulas while baking multiple recipes. I guess having a blog really gives you reason to buy more stuffs for your props. šŸ˜€

In my kitchenā€¦

Whisker.Ā Infuser.

The whisker is a gift from my friend.

The infuser is a set of two. I am using the other one when I drink my tea and I am putting mint leaves so I donā€™t have to remove them using a teaspoon.

In my kitchen is a flour sifter. How easy it is to sift flour now? šŸ˜€

Now, letā€™s go to the edible ones:

In my kitchen is a bottle of sliced olivesā€¦

When I made my first pizza, I bought fresh olives, expecting that those were pitted olives. Later on, a friend suggested keeping a bottle of sliced olives so anytime I want to make pizza or use them in something else, I have it on hand.

In my kitchen is a pack of ladyfingersā€¦

What am I going to do with these? Hmm, are you thinking of Tiramisu? Not quite. I have something very divine for you, but you will have to wait until I make them. šŸ˜€

In my kitchen is Angel Flake Sweetened Coconutā€¦

Are you thinking what Iā€™m thinking? Impossible Coconut Flanā€¦ Yes, please!! I have made it before (recipe here), but I want to make it againā€¦ or maybe I will try another recipe as there are so many amazing recipes with coconut. Ooohhh, I am so excited.

In my kitchen is Terryā€™s Dark Chocolate Orangeā€¦

I saw this multiple times, virtually ā€“ the chocolate alone, with cakes and cupcakes. I love chocolate orange since I was a kid and I have thought of getting one for me. When I saw one, I did not take it ā€“ itā€™s expensive for me. But when I got home, I canā€™t sleep. The next weekend, I got one. šŸ˜€

I hope you enjoy the little peek. šŸ˜€ Join us before the 10th of April and let us take a peek inside your kitchen.

Have a wonderful week to everyone!

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