Red Velvet Crinkle Kisses - The Not So Creative Cook
As I have said in this post, I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. For some bloggers, they prepare their own treats to post before or on Valentine’s Day. To go with the trend, I decided to make something as well. 😀 Besides, who doesn’t love sweets? Chocolate Crinkles is one of the cookies I love so much. I remember when I was still in the University, me and my friend has this meeting place (aka internet cafe). We used to meet there to just surf the net and do some homework. I think we had our own computers at home, but young adults need to get away from home sometimes. 😀 Like me, she loves the Chocolate Crinkles, so we always get ourselves some from the bakeshop nearby the internet cafe before we go to our meeting place or before we go to our separate homes. Ahhh, how I missed those times – the only thing you have to worry is how much cash you are getting for your allowance for the week. And I really missed those warm Chocolate Crinkles we used to buy. Now, I earn my own money and I know how to bake. The only thing I’d worry about is how am I going to finish those Chocolate Crinkles. 😀 Uh, I don’t think I have to stress myself with that as these Crinkles are going to be a hit. Chocolate Crinkles turned into Red Velvet Crinkle Kisses – what do you think? Your eyes would keep on twinkling when you see these beautiful crinkle kisses. I am sure about that. Chocolate Crinkles first appeared here on my blog, but I am not using the same recipe for today’s post. I was not even planning to make a batch of these, but you know how much I love Laura – she has this so inviting expression that makes you want to make the stuff she makes, like immediately. And that’s what I did… days after I saw her video. I am sharing these lovely cookies with my friends at Fiesta Friday #54 hosted by Angie, with the help of two amazing ladies – Sonal and Josette. I am super late, but it’s better late than never. 😛 Besides, I know you’ll love these that you’ll forget that I came late. 🙂 Happy weekend!! Find me on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Facebook. I am also sharing these lovely, velvety crinkles at #SundaySweets Tickle my Tastebuds Tuesday Bake of the Week Please follow and like us:
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook