thenotsocreativecook at 33 (A Birthday Post) - The Not So Creative Cook
I usually get excited before my birthday comes; I count days. And not only days, sometimes I say ‘It’s three months before my birthday.’ (Is it crazy?) What makes me so excited? Maybe the gift I’ll get for myself? Or maybe the foods I’ll cook and bake? Maybe both; I can’t tell. Or maybe… it’s the feeling that you get to pamper yourself with anything you can manage. 😀 This year, my excitement went down. I even forgot that my birthday is near until a friend sent me a message saying ’11 days more to go.’ And it got me thinking and counting… and I was like ‘Oh yeah… my birthday is near.’ My birthday was last weekend (October 18). And you know, I could never let it pass without having a present myself – I got myself books. 😀 I was already planning for a dinner – my sister posted a burger steak on her Facebook page and drooled over it. Of course, the recipe came from me. 😉 Sharing with you, I had these on my birthday: A delicious burger steak (the patties had a little problem and we did not get along when I wanted some for the photoshoot) …with my homemade creamy mashed potatoes …along with these purple stuffs 😀 (and sorry for the blurry photo – the birthday girl slash the migraine girl was exhausted) Since I started baking, traditionally, my birthday is not complete without Mocha Cake. I was planning to bake one, but one thing has made me changed my mind. The rest of the story will be told on Friday at (where else?) – Fiesta Friday. 😉 Meanwhile, enjoy these…
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook