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FRANGIPANE by Sarah @ Sarahā€™s Little Kitchen (a guest post)

Sarah is one of those cute little girls you could see on the corner with her big grin holding a slice of cake, brownies or anything sweet during Fiesta Fridays. šŸ˜€ Peace, Sarah! But you look cute when you do that, especially when you do ā€˜carolibombingā€™ and bring it on FF table. Oh, I could kiss you for that. šŸ˜€

Sarah is one of those few people I introduced in my ā€˜Introducing ā€˜newā€™ bloggersā€™ series. But, we have already chatted before I introduced herā€¦ and since then, we have talked and talked and talkedā€¦ and exchanged lots of emails.

Let me ask you something ā€“ when you hear/see Sarahā€™s name, what are the things that come to your mind? Me? Sweets. Desserts. And here is Sarah doing another ā€˜caloribombingā€™ ā€“

Hi guys!

The pie I made this week really gives me nostalgic feelings.

I donā€™t know if Iā€™m aloud to talk about nostalgics at my age already but I do it anyway! Nah!

As a little child, I spent a lot of my time with my grandparents. They always gave me so much sweets and ice cream! I suppose thatā€™s what grandparents do šŸ˜‰

Most of the time, they gave me little frangipanes. And a lot of other cookies of courseā€¦

But these frangipanes really were my favourites.

Oh donā€™t worry, I didnā€™t get just one! Oh no! I could eat as much frangipanes as I possibly couldā€¦

Now trust me, my entire body existed out of stomach šŸ˜‰

I have absolutely no idea why it took me so long to actually make some myself! I guess I was just afraid I wouldnā€™t be able to succeedā€¦ But I did! šŸ˜€

And I did a great job, if I say so myself, because this frangipane tastes exactly like the frangipane my grandparents gave me.

Maybe I should give them some of this delicious frangipane so they can get nostalgic feelings as well šŸ˜‰


What do we need:

  • 1 crumbly pastry (I used one from the store because I didnā€™t have time to make the dough myself :s)
  • 125 g crystal sugar
  • 125 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 40 g flour
  • 125 g almond powder
  • 100 g apricot jam
  • 2 leaves of gelatine
  • 4 spoons of powder sugar
  • 1 little spoon of water
  • 1 beaten egg
  • baking tin

How to:

Mix the sugar together with the butter until everything is absorbed.

Add the eggs and blend well.

Sift the flour and the almond powder and mix it well together with the rest.

Put the crumbly pastry in the baking tin. Cut the surplus off and keep it to make the decoration afterwards.

Use a fork to prick holes in the crumbly pastry.

Soak the leaves of gelatine in cold water and heat the jam a bit.

Put the gelatine in the heated jam and stir until itā€™s completely absorbed. Let it cool.

Put the jam on top of the crumbly pastry and let it cool until the jam is almost completely cold.

Put the batter on top of it.

Roll the leftovers of the crumbly pastry out and cut them in little straps. Put the straps on the batter to make the decoration.

Use the beaten egg to brush the crumbly pastry.

Put the frangipane in the oven for 35 minutes at 180 degrees centigrade.

If itā€™s done, check with a sharp knife.

Tip: Check in the middle because thatā€™s where the glazing is going to be and the cut wonā€™t be noticed this way.

Mix the powder sugar with the water to make the glazing. Put it on the frangipane.

Done! Enjoy it!

Have a delicious day!
xxx Sarah <3

We had a delicious day, Sarah! Thank you so much for bringing another delicious dessert. And thank you so much for being my guest. I am sure the crowd enjoyed this as well. šŸ˜€

For more caloribombing from Sarah, please donā€™t forget to check the rest of her recipes at Sarahā€™s Little Kitchen.

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