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BASIL GNOCCHI by Martina @ Make, Shake and Bake (a guest post)

Martina and I met each other during Fiesta Friday. I am not sure when’s the exact date, but I could not forget when she entered holding these Peach and Honey Mini Bundt Cakes  and I immediately ran to her – to say ‘Hi’ of course… and okay… to take some of those gorgeous cakes first and foremost. 😀 Nope! I will not lie and I will not be ashamed to tell you that. 😛

I have heard so much of Martina [from the gossips] during FF, but they are good talks – one of them is that Martina loves to help people. I even remember those film crew people she had prepared lunch for – oh, what a kind-hearted she is.

For my second guest blogger, here’s Martina @ Make, Shake and Bake –

When Jhuls needed some help to cover her absence in September, I knew I was going to volunteer. Then you ought to know, Jhuls is a very special lady. She introduces “new bloggers” and shares tricks and tips about food and cooking weekly. I find that very admirable, then let’s be honest, who else would spend so much time to do such a lovely thing? So of course, I want to help if I can. My pleasure.  🙂

I decided to do some cooking for a change. I had a few weeks off work in August and plenty of time to not just bake but try some cooking for a change. I don’t feel quite at ease when I cook just yet. I guess baking is more natural to me. But when a recipe works, it is ever so pleasing and I felt this wasn’t bad at all. So I hope you all enjoy!



  • 750g freshly boiled potatoes
  • 200g flour
  • 50g parmesan
  • 1 fresh egg, beaten
  • 1 ½ tsp salt
  • A few sprigs of basil, finely cut


  1. Pass the freshly boiled potatoes through a sieve. If you don’t have any fancy appliances like I did, a fork will do too, but you must be very thoroughly otherwise you’ll end up with tiny pieces of potato in your Gnocchi.
  2. Add the flour, parmesan, egg, basil and salt to the sieved potatoes and mix well with your hands until no longer sticky.
  3. Work the dough into roll of approx. 1 ½ cm thick diameter.
  4. Cut into pieces of approx. 2cm and carve with your fork.
  5. Place the Gnocchi into simmering water until they float to the surface. That means they’re ready to be enjoyed.

This is a huge batch and I froze over half of them. But they usually have even a better texture if you boil them from frozen. It keeps them more together.

I topped my Gnocchi’s with some fried zucchini, cherry tomatoes and basil, tossed together and topped with Parmesan (in case you were wondering. 🙂 ) 

Wow! You must have worked for too long for this, Martina. Where did you get the patience? 😀 I could see that this is an easy recipe, but time consuming. Gnocchi is just one of those recipes that I want to try. Thank you for sharing this to me and to everyone. Thank you for being my guest – I am so honored to have you and I am so grateful to you for helping me out. <3

Enjoy this meal, lovely friends! 😉

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