The Sunshine Award #2 - The Not So Creative Cook
I am so delighted to receive this award from Charlotte of bakewithmeblog. I received this award on 24th of January and I am glad that I am finally doing a post. Charlotte has many yummy recipes. Have you checked out her Nutella Marble Cake? I have read so many Marble Cake recipes, but never about Nutella Marble Cake, which I am sure so delicious! How about Chocolate Cheesecake? Ahhh! Chocolate and cream cheese, right? And what? Mascarpone? I bet that’s divine. I believe cheesecakes use spring-from pans. The bad thing is I don’t have one. Well, I’ll figure that out. Anyway, if you haven’t seen her blog yet, then do it now! 😀 The award came with questions that nominees need to answer. Here are mine: Why did you start blogging? To share the recipe I have tried and connect with people. Sweet or Savoury? Sorry, I can’t choose one. Both. If you were to go on any reality TV programme, what would it be and why? Hmm, I think cooking show or something – related with anything around the kitchen. What was the last thing you Googled? Teen Wolf Season 3. Night In or Night Out? Night In. I am really not fond of going out or partying. What has been your favourite blog post to write? Any recipe post. What’s the one thing you never leave home without? My phone. Where would you most like to travel to? New York, Italy (the pasta!!!) and, uhm, Saudi Arabia. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Teleportation. Invisibility. What can we expect to find from your blog in the future? Uhm, nothing much. Some kitchen tips, maybe? I was thinking about it months ago, but still haven’t figured it out. And of course, I will continue sharing. The same questions above are to be answered (if they wish to participate) by the following nominees, CONGRATULATIONS: putonyourcakepants stephandpenny juditbakes thebaconprincess tastytreats13 cupcakesalwayswin eatingmyfeelings foodbod shivaaydelights linzerskitchen THE RULES Include the Sunshine Award icon in your post and/or on your blog Link to the blogger who nominated you Answer 10 questions about yourself Nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the award Link to your nominees and let them know you nominated them Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer I hope you enjoy your award. Thank you again, Charlotte. 😉 xx Jhuls Please follow and like us:
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook