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‘Shine On’ Award #1

It was the last day of 2013 and I thought surprises were already done popping… Until I received a notification that I have been nominated for the ‘Shine On’ Award by my sweet and lovely friend from More Food, Please – Ada   (I am so sorry that it took so long to pass this award. I was quite occupied the past few weeks.)

Ada has varieties of delish recipes to try to – from Pineapple Buns to Homemade Granola Bars (Oh! I should try this. Since I am on a diet, I think this will make a good snack.) I also wanted to try Red Bean Paste. Did you know that I’ve been looking for that recipe for months now? It was such a joy when I found it on Ada’s blog. (Ada, can I use any kind of red beans? Uhm, I’ve seen different sizes, but I am not sure if I could use any of them.)

Anyway, moving on to the post, here are seven random things about me:

  1. I hated teas. But, I have learned to love them. In fact, I now have different flavors. 😀
  2. I always keep chocolates near me. In case I plan to go out, I always bring some.
  3. I always have bottled water near my bed for me to drink every time I wake up in the middle of the night.
  4. If you’d ask me what quick meal I could stand eating for a day, I would gladly tell you anything with sunny-side up eggs cooked that way I love it – cooked in a very high heat so I could get burnt whites (bottom side) and edges. Uhm, it could be bread + sunny-side up, rice + sunny-side up, etc, etc.
  5. I tried cooking noodles how many times but it seems I cannot get the perfect taste/flavor I wanted. It’s like I am looking for something (in noodles), but I really can’t figure out what it is. Uhm, do you know the secret to fast-food chain’s noodles? ‘Coz I really love their noodles – maybe that’s what I am looking for.
  6. As much as I love the smell of shower gels, I don’t like staying too long under the shower. Twenty minutes and I’m done.
  7. I was a coffee addict but since I started my diet, I cut back on coffee. Since I started my diet (more than two months ago) I just had full cup of coffee once or twice.

And now, for the nominees… Congratulations to:


There you go… 😉 And for the rules —

‘Shine On’ Award rules:

  1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back.
  3. Share seven random, interesting things about yourself.
  4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the ‘Shine On’ Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.

Hope you enjoy your award and thank you so much again, Ada! xx

Have a fabulous week to everyone! 😉

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