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Dragon’s Loyalty Award 1-2-3

Like I said… I’ve been a little busy the past few days that I have not read even a page or two. Now, I am trying to find a spot for my books. And since I started to go on a diet, I have not cooked and baked much. So I am trying to bake new yummies to post. Thinking of something to bake or cook still takes time. I have to use the soon to be expired chocolate chips and other ingredients (thankful that it’s not much), while the other side of my brain wants something else – the ones on the list. In other words, I am having a battle with myself.

That’s why the passing of the awards took a little longer than usual.  I am so grateful to be nominated by the lovely people: Ada of morefoodpls on 11/26, Shalini of  taleoftwotomatoes on 11/29 and Fae of  fae-magazine on 12/02. I really appreciate the nomination and for every comments and likes. 🙂

So here I am now for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. To start with, here’s 7 random things about me:

  1. Aside from cooking and baking, I’d also love to sew. I love making curtains, pillowcases, bed sheets and pajamas. Ummm, just only basic sewing. That means, very simple outputs.
  2. I can sew the above stuffs without sewing machine. I once made a curtain like this this with ribbons up like this this. Well, those were not mine but those were exactly what I did.
  3. I love my chocolates a little melted than the usual texture, you know… hard. Sometimes, I put it on a hot surface to melt it a little and eat it right away. 😀
  4. I mostly make a schedule for books to be read and the time I needed. And when I don’t finish the book(s) in the given time, I feel so disappointed and arrange my chores again.
  5. I cry over flowers. I just love flowers!!
  6. I talk to things…:D One day, I was in a footwear shop and I saw nice slippers but I cannot buy it ‘coz it’s not scheduled to be bought. In other words, it’s not included in my expenses for the month. So I talked to the slippers and said ‘Stay right there; I’ll come back for you.’ And then the customer attendant looked at me (maybe she thinks I am crazy) and I smiled at her and left the shop. Hahaha! Seriously, I. AM. NOT. CRAZY.
  7. And lastly, (I thought I will never share this)… I am scared of cockroaches!! I always scream to my death and my sister really wants to ‘kill’ me for waking her up every time I see a cockroach in the middle of the night.

I still have to squeeze my brain to remember stuffs… so I remembered how crazy funny I am… 😀

Okay, for the rules:

  1.  You must link the person who has nominated you.
  2. You must share 7 things other bloggers may not know about you.
  3. Nominate up to 15 people.
  4. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

 And here are my nominees:


Happy blogging and thank you for the support! xx Jhuls

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