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Liebster Award 1-2-3


I can never be happier with all the nominations. For the last week, I received three nominations for the Liebster Award. If I am not mistaken, this award is given to the new bloggers or bloggers with less than 200 followers/supporters to be discovered by other bloggers and I am thankful for the nominations. This is another way bloggers supporting other bloggers. What a nice community is this. 😉  Before answering the questions, I would like to say THANK YOU to these three blogs (mentioned below) for the nominations. I really appreciate that you have thought of me.

(1) On 11/13, I was nominated by The Dessert Course and here are the questions for me to answer:

 1. Which cook book could you not be without? I don’t own a cook book except for the compilation of recipes I have on the iPad which is on PDF format.

 2. Who taught you everything you know about cooking/baking? My Mom.

 3. What is your favourite holiday destination? I don’t go on a holiday that much. But I would love to go to Disneyland.

 4. When you were a child, what job did you see yourself doing? Being a nurse or flight stewardess.

 5. What food can you not stand the sight of? I cannot think of one.

 6. Who is your favourite musician/band? I love Avril Lavigne.

 7. What issue are you most passionate about? Can I count food?

 8. What is your biggest fear? To be thrown in hell.

 9. Are you a dog or cat person? Cat person.

 10. How long have you been running your blog? My blog will be on its 7th month on November 23.

(2) On 11/17, I was again nominated by Tale of Two Tomatoes and here are my answers to her questions:

a. Do you have ambitions for your blog? If so, what are they? I don’t think so. All I know is I just want to share to more people the recipes I have here.

b. Where would you live if you could live anywhere you wanted on Earth? Anywhere as long as I have all my loved ones with me.

c. Are you a glass half-full or half-empty person? I am a half-full person.

d. What’s the first item on your wish list? To go to pilgrimage.

e. Which cook book could you not be without? I don’t own a cook book except for the compilation of recipes I have on the iPad which is on PDF format.

f. When you were a child, what job did you see yourself doing? When I was a kid, back in 90’s, almost all girls in my school wanted to be a Nurse, Flight Stewardess or a Teacher. So I would say Nurse.

g. What is your signature dish? Chicken Curry

h. What’s your favourite dessert? I don’t have one but I think I would go for ice creams and cakes.

i. One food ingredient you can’t live without? Eggs.

j. Fame or Money and why? I would choose money because I could so whatever I want with money like open a business, save it or held the needy ones.

(3) The last nomination was on 11/19 by My Year of Cupcakes and here are my answers to the given questions:

1. What made you want to start your blog? My passion in cooking and baking and having to share what I know with others.

2. Who is your hero? My Mom.

3. What city, country or continent have you always wanted to visit? Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

4. When you were a kid, what did you dream of being when you grew up? When I was a kid, back in 90’s, almost all girls in my school wanted to be a Nurse, Flight Stewardess or a Teacher. So I would say Nurse.

5. What, in your opinion, is your strongest skill or ability? Cooking and baking.

6. What is your favorite book?  Why? Stand-alone book? Please Look After Mom by Shin Kyung-sook because it reminds me of my Mom and it’s really an excellent book. I must say this is an opener to every child. When it comes to series, I love the Percy Jackson series and Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan. 

7. What inspires you? My loved ones.

8. What is your favorite comfort food? Anything dessert.

9. Do you have a favorite season of the year?  If so, which one? I love cold days but sun is still up.

10. Who is your favorite band or singer? I love Avril Lavigne.

  And my nominees for the Liebster Award:


The rules:


1) Link to the person who nominated you

2) Answer their questions

3) Nominate new blogs for the award

4) Ask them 10 new questions

5) Let the nominees know they have been nominated

And here are my questions:

1. What food/ingredient(s) you always make sure you have?
2. What is your signature dish?
3. What is you favorite breakfast food?
4. What is/are your other interest/s aside from cooking and baking?
5. If I will ask your friends to describe you in one phrase, what do you think they will tell me?
6. What is the first thing you’ve cooked and baked?
7. What is you favorite thing from your kitchen? Okay, you can name three. 
8. What is the latest thing you bought for your kitchen?
9. Who inspired you to make your blog?
10. Any advice to other new bloggers?

Thanks and happy blogging!! <3

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