Filipino Egg Pie - The Not So Creative Cook
An almost perfect Egg Pie… The verdict first: The filling is perfect. The pie crust is perfect. but why the-almost-perfect Egg Pie? I am not expert in designing the edges. Yes, just the design… Other than that, EVERYTHING IS PERFECT. ***** I’ve been waiting to try this recipe but I was not confident enough that it will turn out perfectly. First, because it’s my first time to make a pie crust. And second, because I was afraid that the oven will not set the correct temperature. In the instruction #2 in baking the pie, you will see that it should be adjusted from 350 degrees F to 325 after the first 15 minutes of baking. I was like O_O “how will I know that the temperature is in 325 degrees F knowing that the oven at home is not digital?” I only use oven thermometer – I can start with the 350 degrees F but I don’t know how I will decrease the temperature to 325 considering that the oven temperature either increases or decreases during baking time. What I did was, I put the baking pan inside the oven at 350 degrees F and adjusted it at a lesser mark and continued baking as per the instruction. After 45 minutes, I doubted that the filling is cooked so I turned off the heat and I left the pie inside the oven for 10-15 minutes. After that, I removed it from the oven and waited for it to cool completely. And yes, my decision to leave it inside the oven with the heat turned off was right. I will never have to buy Egg Pie from any resto or bakeries ever again! 🙂 I don’t usually eat the pie crust but this is just so good that I can’t leave anything on the plate. 😀 I had remaining crust and filling that I just had to make these cutie-Pies! Please follow and like us:
Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook